"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." ~George Bernard Shaw

"Look at everything as though you were seeing it either for the first or last time." ~Betty Smith, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Magpie Tales #243 Soxy Dancing

Image provided by Tess Kincaid of Magpie Tales

There once was a lass named Mable
Who dearly loved dancing on tables
Said she with glee
Makes me feel so free
So what if some say I'm not stable!
Thanks to Tess for this stellar and fun inage!
Have a great week!


  1. I would never care about folks thinking I'm not stable either. Love this.

    Have a blessed Sunday. ♥♥♥

  2. Perfect title too! ...and everyone that saw her said, She looked splendid up there too!

  3. Anonymous10:10 AM

    So much fun - lucky Mabel!

  4. Wouldn't that just be fun to dance on tables. Those are some great socks. Happy Sunday to you.

  5. Here's to dancing on tables!!

  6. It reminds me of my wedding day, I danced on the table!

  7. Love it! Thanks for making me smile.

  8. Very well done! You've reminded me of the lady who took her kids with her when she went furniture shopping, and told the salesman she needed something sturdy for the kids. He told her the table she was getting wouldn't even wobble if five people danced on it.

    He was right, when six of her ten kids did dance on it, it didn't even wobble as it split right down the middle!

  9. This is fun. Love it!

  10. So what, indeed! We old gals know how to party ...

  11. haha, poor mable. but maybe she was onto something.

    it's a nice way to shake yourself awake!

  12. thats cool.....lovely!!

  13. Good on you Mable!


  14. I enjoyed your fun poem. Well done.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Nice limerick!!Love them what fun! I read what you said about a Google account. I have a contact me box on the bottom of picturesque words which my other friends who aren't Google users comment. I just get an email with out you sharing. Just saying... 👻 Booo!

  17. Just hope the table is stable....:-) Love this Kathe!!


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