When I was small
and not so tall
I loved to roam the house
Tip-toe silent as a mouse
Late night was the best
To explore rather than rest
I'd slowly enter each room
Peering into the dusky gloom
Hoping to see what I don't know
Fearing I'd see something glow
My mind full of gory ghostly tales
And Halloween witches with hairy veils
And then one night while being outside
I saw a shape and ran to hide
Watching beyond the french glass door
A ghost floating above the wooden floor
I dashed through the backyard
Scared to death and breathing hard
Ran back into the house
Not quiet as a mouse
Jumped into my parents bed
Screaming "She doesnt have a head"
Gently laughing my parents showed me why
There was hooded coat hanging up to dry
From then on I stayed in bed
No more sneaking at night, instead
I read.
An old photo of me with my mother circa 1943