"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." ~George Bernard Shaw

"Look at everything as though you were seeing it either for the first or last time." ~Betty Smith, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn

Thursday, December 30, 2021

Feline Friday and Friendly Fill-ins! December 31. 2021

Holy smokes! Where did this year go?
Happy 2022 to Everyone!


 Friendly Fill-ins are brought to us by Ellen and Lorianne!

Here are my fill-ins:
1. I had hoped to travel to Cinque Terra Italy and help with a volunteer project in 2021 but didn’t.
2.A goal I have for 2022 is to be able to travel and see our friends that live far away.
3. I’ll be home with my sweetheart when 2021 ends.
4. I hope 2022 brings an end to Covid and our  
governments' nonsensical controlling behaviors.

See ya next year! and have a very Happy New Year!!


Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Thankful Thursday December 30, 2021

I am so very thankful for so many people:
my sweet husband Russell, my wonderful mother Helen, 
my sister Nina, brother Paul, my sons Phillip and Paul,
cousin Janet, all my nieces and nephews, beloved friends Judy and Amy and all the many 
friends and neighbors we have from all over the world!
What would we do without all these lovely people?
We would be bereft of the friendships, comfort and kindnesses 
given to us over all these many years.
May you all enjoy your family and friends as we do!
Have a wonderful 2022 New year!

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Wordless Wednesday December 29, 2021

Backyard in SE Vancouver WA 


Thursday, December 23, 2021

Feline Friday and Friendly Fill-ins December 24, 2021

It is hard to tell who is having more fun...
Lucy or the Bear!!!!

I think Lucy is having more fun...what do you think?
Happy Feline Friday!
Thanks Sandee!
Friendly Fill-ins are brought to us by Ellen and Lorianne!
Here are my fill-ins:

 1. A healthy and peaceful world is my Christmas wish for you.

2. I still need to buy some stocking stuffers by Christmas. 

 3. ‘Twas the night before Christmas and we were still up reading our books.

4. If I were Santa, I would want someone to leave me a plate full of Grandmas' steamed fruit and nut pudding on Christmas Eve.

Merry Christmas everyone!


Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Thankful Thursday December 22, 2021

What could be in this cookie jar.....?

Gingersnaps with Cinnamon Red Hots on top!

Many thanks to Brian for Thankful Thursday!
And many thanks to my Mom who encouraged me
to be the family baker starting when I was
only 10 years old. Truth be told my Mom was a
fabulous cook, but did not care to make desserts.
So, she made all the delicious breakfasts and dinners
and I made all the cookies, Birthday cakes and pies.
We were a great team! 
My three younger brothers and sister certainly ate well!
Have a wonderful Thankful Thursday!

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Thursday, December 16, 2021

Feline Friday! December 17, 2021

Here is a sweet neighbor Baila! I am taking care of her while her family is away for a bit. Baila is a very very sweet cat! She is fun to be with and play with too!


Friendly Fill-ins are brought to us by Ellen and Lorianne!

Here are my answers:

 1. Our sweet cat Lucy made me smile recently.

2. I am looking forward to seeing my youngest son Paul over the holidays.

3. During the holiday season, my home is full of cookies and home made bread. 

4. Making cookies is my favorite way to get in a festive mood. They make the house smell wonderful!


Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Thankful Thursday December 16, 2021

This rather large Christmas Cactus started out as 
a teeny tiny plant that Russell brought with him
when we were first married. 
Almost 32 years later it has grown into a lovely plant!
We are both thankful for all our 
Happy years together and look forward to many more!
Thanks Brian for Thankful Thursday!

Wordless Wednesday December 15, 2021



Tuesday, December 07, 2021

Sunday, December 05, 2021

Happy Tuesday! December 7, 2021

Our neighborhood friends and their very
creative children! The kids decided to make 
Blue Mashed Potatoes for Thanksgiving dinner!
Have a very Happy Tuesday!


When it is a sunny day we take a walk!
As soon we will only have rainy days!
Have an Awesome Monday!

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Happy Tuesday! November 30, 2021

We ended up being just the two of us for Thanksgiving
as my son Paul was too wiped out from work
to come down from the Seattle area. 
He has been putting in way too many hours and 
needed to take the long weekend to just rest and relax. 
He has a 6 week vacation coming up in a few days
and we will for sure be seeing him then!
Russell and I enjoyed our yummy Turkey dinner!
Have a great Happy Tuesday!

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Feline Friday November 26, 2021

Lucy was only a year old when this photo was taken.
We were still in Lake Oswego Oregon- a year away
from our 7 year adventure near Mt Shasta California!
Lucy has had many adventures with us ....
as we have had with her!
Happy Feline Friday to all!
Thanks Sandee!!


Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Wordless Wednesday November 24, 2021

Cutest two pups ever!

Gotta laugh out loud!


Happy Tuesday November 23, 2021

Here's one of our youngest relatives
all dressed up as an avocado for Halloween!
Have a very Happy Tuesday!
Thanks Sandee!!!!


Sunday, November 21, 2021

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Feline Friday and Friendly Fill-ins! November 19, 2021

Image credit: https://www.pexels.com/search/cat/

I have always thought that cats should be allowed in Libraries!
It would be fun to sit down with a book and read to the cat!

Thanks Sandee for Feline Friday!
Hi everyone! Time for the fill-ins. Ellen of 15andMeowing.com came up with the first two sentences and her co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with the second two. If you didn’t do a post for them, you can also answer in the comment section. Thank you to all who participate. Don’t forget to add your link to the hop so everyone can visit you. The link is open until Wednesday night.

Here are my Friendly Fill-Ins: 

1. I am thankful for my dear sweetheart of 31+ years, his daughter Grace and my two sons Phillip and Paul.
2. I look forward to eating my delicious stuffing on Thanksgiving.
3. I didn’t realize how amazingly clever my husband is until I saw how he can fix ANYTHING!
4. There’s no shame in making honest mistakes.

Have  a great weekend !!!


Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Wordless Wednesday! November 17, 2021

While spending 2 weeks in Loreto, Baja Sur Mexico
we had the pleasure of meeting little Houdini...
a year old tortoise! So darn cute!
And here are his parents Barney and Vida! 

Barney and Vida are 9 years old and HUGE.
They love being fed lots of fruit and veggie scraps
around 2:30pm when they emerge  from their burrow!
Have a lovely Wordless Wednesday!


Sunday, November 14, 2021

Friday, November 12, 2021

Feline Friday! November 12, 2021

While we were in Loreto for the past two weeks there were a few pretty darn skittish cats hanging out at the place we
were staying. They were obviously hungry and so I went up to the local grocery store and got some excellent organic non-grain cat food. I was especially concerned about the cat I named Clementina. She was quite skinny and her left rear leg had something wrong as she limped quite a bit. I softly talked to her and kept my distance as I would fill a bowl of water and also a plate of the cat food on our front porch. I would then go back in our room and sure enough she would scarf that food down and drink lots of the water. Of course other cats and one neighbor dog would attempt to eat her food, but I would shoo them away until she had eaten her fill. Then I'd refill the plate for the others, even though they had owners who were feeding them.   
By the end of our two weeks Clementina had filled out and her limp was not as bad as before. I passed on her food to one of the receptionists and she assured me that Clementina would be well taken care of as the cat had decided the Reception office was her new home! If we did not have Lucy already we probably would have adopted her and brought her back home and that would have been another adventure! 
Have any of you had this sort of experience while traveling?
Enjoy your Feline Friday and have a great weekend!

Tuesday, November 09, 2021

Wordless Wednesday November 10, 2021

I took this photo of Venus and the waxing new moon at 5:53pm on November 7, 2021.
 We were in Loreto, Baja Sur Mexico.
Such a glorious sight.

 There was a waxing new moon with Venus 
Sunday and Monday evenings, November 7 and 8, 2021 . Did you see them? In the coming days, the moon will be moving up past the planets Saturn and Jupiter in the evening sky.


Happy Tuesday November 9, 2021

Here's Nino and me at our last dinner
before we had to come home yesterday!
Such a sweet and fun dog!
We had so many Happy Times!

Sunday, November 07, 2021

AWWW Monday! November 8, 2021

This is Nino - he's our favorite pup in Loreto!
He supervises the fabulous restaurant !!! 
Canipole - Art in Food
Look it up !!!



24 Seconds Outside My Door November 7, 2021

 Cecilia of the Kitchen Gardens blog has started a fun Sunday photo/movie for all of us to have fun with sharing what is out our front door! This Sunday we are still in Loreto Mexico!

Here's my little video a bit more than 24 seconds worth!
Thanks Cecilia!
Have a lovely day!

Thursday, November 04, 2021

Feline Friday and Friendly Fill-ins! November 5, 2021

A few days ago we had lunch at
a local restaurant near the Cathedral... 

This close up cutie not only wanted 
some cuddle time, but was also
interested in the chicken I was eating.
I gave her some bites as so was everyone 
else in the restaurant. 
Here are my Friendly Fill-ins. 
Thank you Lorianne and Ellen for Friendly Fill-ins!
Have a great weekend everyone! 

1. Something I lost, and was never able to find was one of the charms off my Grandmothers bracelet.
2. When the going gets tough, I want to fix it.
3. Cleaning house etc doesn’t bother me.
4. I don’t handle lots of stress very well.



Monday, November 01, 2021

Happy Tuesday November 2, 2021

Amazing graffiti ! 
Having a great time in Loreto Baja Sur, Mexico! 


Awww Monday November 1, 2021

Nothing more fun than swimming in the 
warm Sea of Cortez with the pelicans!!!
Especially on the day of Halloween!!

Have a great November !!
Thanks Sandee!