"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." ~George Bernard Shaw

"Look at everything as though you were seeing it either for the first or last time." ~Betty Smith, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Magpie Tales 162 - and Awww Mondays

Between Heaven and Hell, 1989 by Jacek Yerka 

Ode to Larry
I could cook in this kitchen all day long
All day long while chopping and stirring
Chopping and stirring while singing a song
While singing a song to my dear old cat
My dear old cat Larry who warmly sleeps
Who warmly sleeps at the drop of a hat
At the drop of a hat he wakes and leaps
Wakes and leaps as I fill his bowl
I fill his bowl with some tasty leftovers
Tasty leftovers for his dear sweet soul.

Larry was a huge 16 pound, in his prime, orange tabby cat
Always faithful always true. He had a huge lion mane and fluffy tail
Larry was short for Larrysauresrex.....or Lawrence the Lion.
He lived 20 years and I still miss him.
Thanks and a tip of Larry's tail to Tess Kincaid 
for Magpie Tales and this lovely inspiring image.
To read what others saw in this image go here:   

Happy Easter!

Saturday morning I opened my eyes and saw
that we had a lovely sunrise.
Today it's raining.....

Saturday I also dyed a few eggs just for my pleasure...

I also made Hot Cross Buns for the first time ever.
I could not find any in town- and guess what?
They are the best I have ever tasted!
Here's the link for the recipe:

Happy Easter!!!
(Our rabbit made from recycled metal)

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Sausalito has lots of interesting galleries....

Sausalito has lots of interesting galleries....
This was an amazing sculpture crafted from
wire screening. I love how artists can see
the potential in different materials.
To see other Six Word Saturdays go here:
and for more Shadow Shot Sunday photos go here:
Enjoy your day!!

Friday, March 29, 2013

Feline Friday 3-30-2013 Cute Ms Susie Q.

Susie is a feral cat rescued by Feral Cat Coalition.
Susie lives outside my cousins home.
On a covered deck she is safe and content.
She is wary of us, but talks to us at a distance.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

What a good idea!

While reading one of my favorite blogs
The Daily Dose
Dana mentioned the April A-Z Challenge
Bing!!! What a great idea!
So I signed up- why not?
Each day in April except Sundays
we'll all be blogging thematically from A-Z. 
Try it....you'll like it!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Our Vacation in Sausalito....

The sun rises over Angel Island....

I love all the lush vegetation here

We took a drive to Bolinas to visit good friends

We went into San Francisco to see the
Chinese Terracotta statues at the
Asian Art Museum.

We bussed over the Golden Gate to go into the city,
but rode the ferry back to Sausalito.

Shasta Lake is lacking about 37 feet 
to be completely full. We are expecting
some rain, so that will help. 

Yep- almost home!

Ahhhhh....no place like home!
Great little vacation, but always
good to get back home!
Don't you feel the same?
Have a great week!

Awwww Monday 3-25-2-13

Thanks to Mike Golch and Sandee for this sweet meme!
Here's a baby moose with his very
protective mother!
Have a great week everyone!

Eric Alders Monday Photo Prompt 3-25-2013

I am a bit late posting for this week as
we have been on a little vacation.
We drove 4.5 hours down to Sausalito-
had a great visit with our cousin and her sweetie ...
I think everyone was on Spring Vacation!!!

Photo by Eric Alder

Spring Vacation

School is out
Wind blows through leafless trees
and empty parking lots


For more takes on this photo or to see more of
Eric Alder's fine photography go here:

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Magpie 161- Enigma

Not To Be Reproduced by Rene Magritte 1937

Peering through the looking glass
What is real and what is not
I am faceless you see
I am your enigma

    Growing as

Once again Tess Kincaid has provided an evocative image for us!
To see what others have seen in this image go here:


Friday, March 22, 2013

Why we love Sausalito!

Because we get to visit Janet and Floyd and goof off!!!
My cousin Janet and I have known each other 
since we were babies! So here we are playing pool
at Smitty's and Janet took this photo!
Have a great day everyone-we are!!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Eric Alders Monday Photo Prompt 3-18-2013

Photo by Eric Alder

Is this what can be seen under a car?
Grit and rust mixed with oily bits? 
Leaky valves and dripping hoses 
A mechanic's needed- "Holy Moses" 
No wonder my cat looks like heck
After she's slept under this wreck

For other takes on Eric Alders photo go here: 


On the road again

Hard work does have it's rewards.....
We are headed south for just a few days
to visit our dear friends and family.
So, I may not have time to blog....
Cheers! Have a great week!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Awww Mondays...little ducklings....

Cute baby ducks at our Local Grub Club
"Meet the Producers and Farmers" event. 

Looks like they are being told to "Sit, stay".
Have a great day everyone!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Magpie 160- Don't be like them!

Faun, Horse, and Bird, 1936
Pablo Picasso

The faun and the horse were constantly fighting
Rearing and smacking and even biting
The lovely dove, a bird of peace 
Screamed "Stop it you two- let this chaos cease
Your behavior is useless and stupidly hostile 
You're acting like humans and that's just awful."  


Thanks to Tess Kincaid for Magpie Tales
For more takes on Picasso's painting go here:

Saturday, March 16, 2013

My shadow can make me laugh!

My shadow can make me laugh!
It looks like Olive Oyl or some other cartoon character.
Or perhaps it's an Irish Leprechaun!!
Does your shadow ever tickle your funny bone?
For other Six Word Saturdays go here:
For other Sunday Shadow Shots go here:

Friday, March 15, 2013

Lucy says "It's Feline Friday"

Lucy says " I was on the computer today and
found this cartoon- I thought it would
qwack you up"

Have a great day and a wonderful weekend!
Thanks to Burnt Food Dude we have this
very fun meme! Thanks Dude!

Feline Friday is easy to do. All you have to do is post a picture of a cat on your website. It could be a photo of your pet cat, a LOL cat or a drawn picture.

Grab the code and paste it on your page.

Add a link to your cat page.

(Note: You will be able to add your page link from 12:15 am (00:15) East Coast USA time on Friday to 11:55 pm (23:55) Sunday night

1. Spunky Doodle  7. Kathe W.  
2. bethere2day  8. Jody  
3. McGuffy Ann @ McGuffy 's Reader  9. Mike Golch  
4. Pu Niao  10. Josie Two Shoes  
5. Comedy Plus  11. Petro Neagu @ The Seaman Mom  
6. Jim  12. Laney  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Today's giggle...

This really tickled my funny bone...
We spotted this on a bulletin board
while shopping in Ashland.... 
So very silly!!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

An afternoon walk by a little stream...

Today was again a lovely springy day.
I could hear all the tree frogs down the hill
from us. I thought I'd walk down and maybe
 see one of them. Nope.
They became completely silent of course.
I was intruding on their private tree frog only concert.
So, here are some photos of my little walk
along the silent seasonal spring.

This spring is only here until summer.
Then it dries up until we have lots of
snow or rain.

I could see where the deer had come down to drink.
I did not see any other tracks.
We saw cougar tracks here last spring.

The water was quite clear.

Lichen on the rocks.

The stream peacefully glides over.... 

Sentinel tree- a forest fire survivor

Last photo on my little walk...
What does this look like to you?

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Aww it's Monday and Eric Alders Photo Prompt also.....!

Oh Charlie oh Charlie
I found a new tree
It's ever so big
And a great place to pee....

Oh Kathe Oh Kathe
That's not a big tree
It's a tall power pole
Full of Electricity!
Being a little under the weather I combined Aww Mondays
with Eric Alders Monday Photo Prompt- and I'm a day late!
To see more Aww Mondays go here:
and to view Eric Alders Monday Photo Prompt go here:

Have a great week everybody!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Magpie #59......A Salty Connection

Meal Beach, Burra Isles, Shetland by Robin Gosnall 

It pulls me in...
This salty biological connection
We began here.

Photo by Kathe Worsley
Zihuatanejo Guerro Mexico
November 2012

Thanks to Tess Kincaid for Magpie Tales
To see what everyone else has created go here:

Saturday, March 09, 2013

Nothing better than home baked bread!

Dough rising in the sun
March 8, 2013

Nothing better than home baked bread!
Besides making the house smell wonderful...it tastes divine!
I came across a book several years ago that had such
simple bread recipes that I make this bread all the time.
So simple that there is no kneading and the dough makes
up to 4 loaves plus the dough keeps in the fridge up to 14 days!
Here's the link to that book: http://www.artisanbreadinfive.com/

For more Six Word Saturdays go here:
and for those wonderful Shadow Shot Sundays go here:

Friday, March 08, 2013

It's Feline Friday March 8, 2013

Oscar is the newest cat on the block
or at least in this house

Sometimes when he is
 ironing out problems...
he looks a bit possessed....

Feline Friday is easy to do. All you have to do is post a picture of a cat on your website. It could be a photo of your pet cat, a LOL cat or a drawn picture.

Grab the code and paste it on your page.

Add a link to your cat page.

(Note: You will be able to add your page link from 12:15 am (00:15) East Coast USA time on Friday to 11:55 pm (23:55) Sunday night

1. Spunky Doodle  7. Andrea @ From the Sol  
2. mimi  8. Jody  
3. McGuffy's Reader  9. Mike Golch  
4. Pu Niao  10. Kathe W.  
5. BFDude  11. Petro Neagu @ The Seaman Mom  
6. bethere2day  12. unikorna  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Thursday, March 07, 2013

A Tasty Vegan Recipe

Quilt for Kai
October 2010

Here's a very tasty main course for vegans.
Needless to say you do not have to be a vegan
or a vegetarian to enjoy this!! 

Brown Rice and Lentils
serves 4-6
3 1/2 cups low sodium veggie broth
1/2 cup water
3/4 cup lentils rinsed and picked over
3/4 cup brown rice
2 T olive oil
1T onion powder
( I use 1/4 cup finely chopped onion)
1/2 tsp garlic powder
(I use 2 finely chopped cloves of garlic)
1/4 tsp salt
Freshly ground pepper to taste
In a medium pot bring all ingredients to a boil
over high heat. Reduce heat to med-low to low,
cover and simmer until rice/lentils are tender.
Stirring occasionally about 45-60 minutes.

I first made this recipe for our Christmas dinner in 2010.
It has become one of our favorites.
I made the baby quilt for our good friend Tom's first grandchild.

Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Lucy's shout out to Russell


