"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." ~George Bernard Shaw

"Look at everything as though you were seeing it either for the first or last time." ~Betty Smith, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn

Sunday, December 24, 2023

Thursday, December 21, 2023

Feline Friday December 22, 2023

Our wonderful French friends who moved
here a few years ago take care of abandoned
kittens until they are ready to be adopted!
If we didn't already have a cat we would
adopt at least one of these awdorable kitties! 
Thanks Mimi for hosting and 
may everyone have a lovely Feline Friday!!!

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Thankful Thursday ! Finally I am Back Online! October 19, 2023

Finally I am Back Online!
I am so thankful for everyone's compassion. 

Here's a photo of our dear Lucy having
a snooze while Russell is working on
his latest painting!

And here I am a few weeks ago 
celebrating my 81st Birthday!
How the heck did this happen??

Hope all is going well for everyone
and thanks for your kind patience while 
our family went through a very difficult time. 

Monday, September 11, 2023

Awww Monday September 11, 2023

Our nearby neighbors spent 2 months
vacationing in France! They were in 
Brittany for a few weeks and shared some
photos with us! I will be posting a few of
their photos this week...enjoy! 


Sunday, August 13, 2023

Awww Monday August 14, 2023

It's been about a month since I last
posted on my blog. Our family
has had a difficult and sad time.
We are adjusting and I will be 
posting once again. 
Thanks to everyone.
Especially Sandee Clark!
Have a lovely week.


Monday, July 10, 2023

Happy Tuesday! July 11, 2023

While visiting our friend in Ashton Idaho
we could see the Grand Tetons far away
on his property. A lovely sight.
Here's more info: 
Thanks Sandee for Happy Tuesday!


Awww MOnday! July 10, 2023

We're having a week long adventure!
Visiting friends in Baker City Oregon
and Ashton Idaho.
These metal sculptures are in Baker City.
Very fun sculptures on different street corners.
Here are a few others!

A tarantula hanging out and a rhino.
Missed part of his nose- sorry!

Thanks Sandee for Awww Monday!!!


Friday, July 07, 2023

Feline Friday! July 7, 2023

Our neighbor adopted these two cuties 
when they were little kitties. 
Now they are full grown and best buddies!

They have the best time playing together!

And now it's time for a well earned snooze!

Have a great Feline Friday!
And thanks Mimi for hosting Feline Friday!

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Wordless Wednesday! June 28, 2023


Nothing better on the Pacific coast than watching the waves!!!


Sunday, June 25, 2023

Awww Monday June 26, 2023 Two cuties!

Here are two puppies that were adopted
in Mexico by our good friends who 
live in Loreto Bay, Baja Sur, Mexico
6 months out of the year. They adopted these
two brothers and brought them back to
where they live in Vancouver Washington.
Thanks Sandee for Awww Mondays!


Thursday, June 22, 2023

Thankful Thursday June 22, 2023

 I am so very thankful for all the wonderful doctors and nurses that helped me over the past week. Last Thursday early morning at 2:00 am I woke up to use the bathroom and collapsed when coming back to bed. My wonderful sweetheart called 911 and an ambulance came within a few minutes and took me to the hospital very close by. I was evaluated and was then in surgery and I now have a pacemaker to help my heart beat regularly. Without my wonderful husband and all the help I received I would not be here today to tell all of you. Modern medicine and caring people saved my life. I will be forever grateful. I am recovering very well!


Sunday, June 18, 2023

Happy Tuesday! June 20, 2023


Every day is a Happy Day when we 
can go to the Camas Library and
take out more books! Books have
helped us through all the Covid shutdowns!
Reading books is always better than watching TV!!!
Have a very Happy Tuesday!


Awww Monday! June 19, 2023

Here's a cute Awww Monday photo!
One of our newest addition to join
the Jones Family! I do not think
he is ready to cook dinner!
Cheers and thanks Sandee!


Thursday, June 08, 2023

Feline Friday! June 9, 2023


Look at these awedorable kittens!
Pretty soon ( in a few weeks ) they
will be ready to be adopted!
Meahwhile our good and kind friends
are taking good care of them and their mom!
Thanks Mimi for Feline Friday!

Tuesday, June 06, 2023

Happy Tuesday June 6, 2023


Here's a photo of our friends oldest daughter!
And here's their youngest daughter 
in the little car while her older sister
is washing the big car  !!!

Have a very Happy Tuesday!
PS: I have not been blogging for a bit while
recovering from some heart issues. It's
under control now thank goodness!


Monday, May 29, 2023

Awww Monday May 29, 2023

I am always busy in our kitchen ! Having fun 
making cookies or garlic spaghetti !!
                     Here's the recipe for Garlic spaghetti!
I have shared this before, but perhaps you
did not see it then!

The Famous and Awesomely
 Tasty Garlic Spaghetti
2 ample servings
6-8 cloves pressed raw garlic 
(more if you feel really mean)
1 raw egg
4 tablespoons melted butter
1 tablespoon dry basil or 3 T fresh chopped basil
1/3 cup fresh chopped parsley
1/3 cup freshly grated parmesan/romano/asaigo cheese-what ever you prefer
9oz fresh pasta or same equivalent in dry pasta

Mix garlic,raw egg,butter,basil,parsley,and cheese throughly into a "gunk"
meanwhile boil water for pasta, cook pasta, drain pasta and stir gunk into hot pasta
thoroughly and serve immediately with crusty bread and a big green salad. YUM

Have an Awesome Monday !!!

Thursday, May 18, 2023

Feline Friday May 19, 2023

 Here are some sweet cats waiting to be adopted here in    Vancouver, Washington.

Here is their website! 

  If you live nearby and thinking about adopting a cat- please go look at these sweethearts! Our friends who live not far from us  foster kittens and mother cats until they are ready to be adopted! 

If you do not live nearby please do visit your local Humane Society....you will never regret it! 

Have a meowy Happy Feline Friday!

And thanks Mimi for hosting Feline Friday! 


Thankful Thursday! May 18, 2023

So very, very Thankful for our libraries!

No matter where we have lived over the years
we have always had a library card! 
We are so very lucky to have so many libraries
in our country. And we have always been
volunteers at these libraries!
Thanks Brian for Thankful Thursdays!   
Have a wonderful day!

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Wordless Wednesday! May 17, 2023

El Campello  , Spain

Over 50 years ago I lived here for a
year with my family. It was a quiet
and tranquil village then. My oldest son
would walk to school in the Upper Village
and I never had to worry about him as it
was so peaceful and safe. Those were the days.
Thanks Sandee for Wordless Wednesday!


Monday, May 15, 2023

Awww Monday May 15, 2023

This time of the year we always hear a lot of 
ducks quacking and splashing in the
seasonal creek below our home. 
This past weekend our little neighborhood
had 5 baby ducks wandering around 
and peeping for their mother. They were far
away from the creek and we managed to
catch 4 of the 5 babies. We called several 
places such as Audubon Society and Humane Society
but because it was the weekend we could not
get any help. So we took the babies down to
the creek hoping the mother duck might
hear them. No sign of a mother duck so
we reluctantly released the babies and 
we hope they got reunited. Very sad.
I posted our event on our Nextdoor website
and we heard back hours later from 
a person who could have taken them and 
raised them safely. I wish he had notified us earlier.
But now I have his information so we can
get immediate help if this ever happens again.


Friday, May 12, 2023

Feline Friday! May 12, 2023

Our friends are hosting a mom and her
3 kittens as they were abandoned. 
Thanks goodness for the Humane Society
and our friends who consistently take
in needy Mom cats and kittens.
Their youngest child is almost 9 months old!
And the family always makes time for everyone!

Here's one of the little kittens!

Another kitten!

And here is the teeny tiny kitten-
I sure hope it gets bigger and better!
Thanks Mimi for continuing Feline Friday!

Monday, May 08, 2023

Awww Monday! May 7, 2023

Here is the latest baby quilt that I made 
for a little boy due to be delivered tomorrow!
The first image is the front of the quilt and
the second image is the back of the quilt
that also has the little pocket for the
baby's name plus birth date etc! 

Have a COLORFUand happy day!
Thanks Sandee!

Tuesday, May 02, 2023

Wordless Wednesday! May 3, 2023

Our peaceful backyard. We look out on a 
dedicated greenspace. Lots of birds, ducks, 
rabbits, squirrels and the occasional deer.
Plus we see and hear coyotes.
So lucky to live here.
Thanks Sandee for Wordless Wednesday!
