"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." ~George Bernard Shaw

"Look at everything as though you were seeing it either for the first or last time." ~Betty Smith, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn

Friday, May 12, 2023

Feline Friday! May 12, 2023

Our friends are hosting a mom and her
3 kittens as they were abandoned. 
Thanks goodness for the Humane Society
and our friends who consistently take
in needy Mom cats and kittens.
Their youngest child is almost 9 months old!
And the family always makes time for everyone!

Here's one of the little kittens!

Another kitten!

And here is the teeny tiny kitten-
I sure hope it gets bigger and better!
Thanks Mimi for continuing Feline Friday!


  1. Your friend is a wonderful person to foster these kittens. It's hard work to help the littlest ones, almost like having human babies, but they're worth it! Kudos.

  2. Very cute kitties and kid. :)

  3. Those wees are so darn cute and hooray for heros who foster like that, they are wonderful!

  4. The kittens are adorable.

  5. Purrayers and power of the Paw to that MomCat and kittens Thank goodness your friend could take them in. The little human looks ready to make some new friends too.

  6. What a joy, to be able to foster moms and babies. I'm so glad they are raising their child to see how to treat animals properly, it will make a huge difference.

    Thank you for joining Feline Friday!

  7. Aww1 what cute kitties and photos well done to them for their help :-)
    Have a sweettastic weekend 👍

  8. I would imagine that starting out a baby with animals such as kittens or puppies is a good way for them to learn what pets are all about. These are great pictures thanks.

  9. Kathe what a precious post
    I am late to the Friday Feline post. We took a road trip yesterday (70miles one way) to have lunch with our daughter for an early Mother's Day. Fun fun place. I'll post about it on Happy Tuesday.
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. And a happy MOM'S day to all (on two legs or four!)


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