The beginning of Kofta Kebabs.....
one of our favorite recipes!
Try will like it!
Kofta Kebabs
4 garlic cloves minced
1 t kosher salt
1# ground lamb
3T minced onion
3T chopped fresh parsley
1T ground coriander
1t ground cumin
1 and 1/2 t ground cinnamon
1/2 t allspice
1/4 t cayenne pepper
1/4 t ginger and 1/4 t ground black pepper
Mash minced garlic into paste with salt.
Mix all the spices into the garlic and salt.
Mix the ground lamb thoroughly into
the mixed spices and salt.
(It is easiest for me to use my hands.)
Form into about 14 balls and place on baking sheet.
(I place parchment paper on the pan- easier cleaning)
Flatten meatballs slightly with your hand.
Cover and place in refrigerator for at least 30 minutes
and up to 12 hours before cooking.
Broil on medium heat turning a few times
until done. Takes about 6 minutes to be done.
Serve with Tzatziki, sliced tomatoes and Pita bread!
Okay, okay here's Tzatziki ... easy peasy to make!
2 cloves garlic, 1 medium cucumber,
1 cup plain Greek whole milk yogurt,
1 T lemon juice, 1T olive oil, 1 T chopped dill
and fresh ground black pepper.
Mash garlic, peel cucumber, cut in half, scrape
out the seeds and grate the cucumber into a bowl.
Drain the cucumber using a sieve and add to
the yogurt/garlic mix. Stir in remaining ingredients
and chill for at least 2 hours.