I love Christmas. Always have, always will. When I was a child one of my favorite
things to do was to get up early on Christmas morning and sneak downstairs
so that I could light the tree and just sit and look at it. I wouldn't shake presents or even
pick them up or look at the tags. I just loved looking at the tree all by myself.
So here are our little trees that we put out now-gone are the huge trees of my childhood
and my children's childhoods. But the magic is still there for me.
My sweet dear husband does not have the happy memories of Christmas like I do.

However, after many years of Christmases with me, he does enjoy all the trimmings that I
scatter around the house. Such as this Santa Shrine next to "his" chair!!! Ho, ho, ho.

This was taken at Portland Wine Merchant's Friday wine tasting last week.
Great place to taste wine on 35th and SE Hawthorne.

There just isn't anything better than the fellowship of sharing a meal with
good friends and family.

Miracle friends that survived a horrific accident two years ago.
He's holding our littlest nephew, Jonathan.
Merry Christmas everyone and Happy New Year!!!!