It's a Snap !
"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." ~George Bernard Shaw
"Look at everything as though you were seeing it either for the first or last time." ~Betty Smith, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
Sunday, September 30, 2018
Awww Monday October 1, 2018
2018 Photo Project
Photo #232
Amazing! We have a bit of snow
dusting Mt Shasta! Woo hoo!!
Have a fabulous week!
Thanks Sandee!
Friday, September 28, 2018
Feline Friday September 28, 2018
2018 Photo Project
Photo #231
I know this is wrong for Feline Friday....
but I don't have a new cat photo ......
and I figured you all would get a kick
out of this awdorable dog....his name is Chief
and we met him last weekend!
And I promise to post 2 kitty photos next week!
Have a great Feline Friday!
Ellen of
and Lorianne of
Four-Legged Furballs
, provide Friendly Fill-in questions
And here's my answers to their Friendly Fill-Ins!
Thanks to Here are this weeks questions:
1 - A good deed will always be appreciated.
2 - The best time of the day is the morning as the sun comes up!
3 -Patience is not my strong suit.
4 - It's all fun and games until the dishes need to be washed!
Sunday, September 23, 2018
Early Awww Monday! September 23, 2018
2018 Photo Project
Photo #230
Early Sunday morning.
Looking southwest from our friends home.
2018 Photo Project
Photo #231
Pooh Bear the Cat keeping me company!
Such a lovely cat.
Have a great day!
Friday, September 21, 2018
Feline Friday September 21, 2018
Introducing Oscar!
Oscar lives with our good friends and
former neighbors Tom and Steve.
We're up in Lake Oswego visiting friends
and family plus seeing the
Cannonball Run
ending at Skamania Lodge on this Sunday.
2018 Photo Project
Photo #227
Here's Oscar waiting for his Papa Steve
to come home.....
2018 Photo Project
Photo #228
I had to convince Oscar a bit to pose for me!
2018 Photo Project
Photo #229
But I was patient and he finally obliged
and I got a few cute shots.
Have a great Feline Friday!
Thanks Sandee!
Thursday, September 20, 2018
Thankful Thursday September 20, 2018
I am so thankful for all
the cats (and dogs) that have
chosen to live with us.
Our four legged family members
have given us so much unconditional love.
Lucy in 2011
Still a kitty then .....always in our hearts.
Lucy is eight years old now.
Such a dear and smart cat!
Sunday, September 16, 2018
Awww Monday September 16, 2018
2018 Photo Project
Photo #226
Three days ago this lovely 2 point buck was
lounging in the sunshine near our fenced
vegetable garden with his harem and fawns
close by....
2018 Photo Project
Photo #227
The next day I saw him under our bird feeder
drinking water, but not in good shape.
We think he'd been hit by a car as his left
antler was broken off and his right leg was
broken around the ankle region. It was
awful to see and there was nothing we could
do for him. After drinking a lot of water he
stumbled off, stopping to eat acorns along the way.
Since then we haven't seen him and we have to
assume he is probably dead. It makes us so sad
to see
this and we hope he isn't out there still
Meanwhile his family is hanging outside our
home keeping each other company.
We love our deer.
2018 Photo Project
Photo #228
Thanks Sandee for Awww Monday.
Friday, September 14, 2018
Feline Friday September 14, 2018
I am sure I have posted this before,
but soon we will be taking a 3 week
vacation and Lucy will be staying in our
with our good friends Chloe and Aaron.
She is used to them and has a good time
while we are gone, BUT she likes to make
us feel a little guilty by this behavior...
"What? You are packing and leaving me?"
Never fear Lucy...we'll be back!
Thanks Sandee for Feline Friday-
sorry this is a bit late.
Thursday, September 13, 2018
Thankful Thursday! September 13,2018
Thankful for Mother Nature's gift of rain!
2018 Photo Project
Photo #223
September 13, 2018 6:12am
Looking east towards Mt Shasta
I'm always up before dawn with Lucy
wanting to be fed and then she goes back
to sleep and I go outside to water the garden,
fill up the bird feeder and listen to the
day begin.
Last night it rained a bit and this morning
the birds were more active flying about
and I could hear the Canada geese honking
overhead. I think fall is just around the corner!
2018 Photo Project
Photo #224
September 13, 2018 6:12am
Looking south towards Mt Eddy.
Mt Eddy is the highest peak of the Trinity mountains.
2018 Photo Project
Photo #225
September 13, 2018 6:13am
You can see Mt Shasta on the right.
Hopefully we continue to have some rain.
Have a lovely day!
1. Animal Shelter Volunteer Life
2. Happy Camper
3. Brian
4. Canadian Cats. . . . Tyebe
5. Thankful Thimble Thursday
6. Catnaps, Cream & Cardboard
7. Princess Leah
8. RMT RTR Countdown
9. Forgiving an Enemy
10. Thankful and Poetic Thursday
11. Coco
12. Margs Animals
13. Celestial Kitties
14. Thankful Thursday
16. Purrseidon
17. Eastside Cats
18. RompRollRockies
19. Its a Snap
20. Comedy Plus
22. The LLB Gang
23. Curious as a Cathy LINKY
24. Sophibelle
25. Cuddles at PAWS
26. misadventures of Milo
27. The Cat on My Head
28. Animal Shelter Volunteer Life
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Wednesday, September 12, 2018
Wordless Wednesday September 12, 2018
2018 Photo Project
Photo #222
Russell's art studio.
Early morning light with wildfire tones....
All of us want the fires gone
and the soothing fall rains to begin.
Tuesday, September 11, 2018
Happy Tummy Tuesday! September 11, 2018
Two summers ago Imani balanced
a spoon on her nose!
2018 Photo Project
Photo #221
One of our summer favorites!
Caprese Salad with our garden's
basil and tomatoes!
Have a lovely Tuesday!
Sunday, September 09, 2018
It's Awww Monday! September 10, 2018
2018 Photo Project
Photo #220
The two deer realize that I am
watching them groom each other!
But the fawn in the background is ignoring
as it's too busy eating delicious acorns!
Wednesday, September 05, 2018
Wordless Wednesday September 5,2018
2018 Photo Project
Photo #219
Tuesday, September 04, 2018
Happy Tuesday and Tummy Tuesday! September 4, 2018
2018 Photo Project
Photo #216
Our deer buddies had a very tasty time
yesterday eating all the acorns from
the Oak trees that got trimmed!
2018 Photo Project
Photo #217
2018 Photo Project
Photo #218
Meanwhile we also had tasty treats
at our friends 18th Annual Tomato Tasting party!
Have a lovely day!
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