"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." ~George Bernard Shaw

"Look at everything as though you were seeing it either for the first or last time." ~Betty Smith, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Thankful Thursday January 26, 2023

 As I promised in yesterday's blog post that I would share the     Butternut Squash Gnocci  recipe and so here it is!          Butternut Squash Gnocci


1 butternut squash about 1.5 pounds equaling 2 cups cooked           2 large eggs beaten, 1/2 tsp salt, black pepper and 1.5 cups flour. I use unbleached all purpose flour and 2 large eggs beaten  1 stick of unsalted butter, 12-18 fresh sage leaves, and grated Parmesan cheese. 


Pre-heat oven to 350F, cut in half lengthwise, place the squash on parchment paper with just a bit of olive oiled brushed on squash. Bake for approximately 60 minutes. I usually check after 45 minutes to see if the squash is done. If a fork can easily penetrate it is ready. Let the squash cool enough so that you can handle it easily. Scoop out the seeds and then scoop out all of the squash and place in a mixing bowl. Using a fork smash the squash until it is smooth with no lumps, stir into the squash the 2 eggs. Once that is well mixed stir in the salt and pepper and then the flour.    Once that is done using a large pan such a Dutch Baby and fill with enough water to use for poaching the gnoccis. Bring the salted water to a boil and spooning about a tablespoon or a bit more of the squash mixture and using your fingers scoop it into the boiling water. Continue scooping the mixture in until the pan is full- about 10-15 gnoccis at a time. Once the water is boiling again and the gnoccis rise to to the surface then poach exactly  for 2 minutes and remove them carefully one at time- I use a small strainer. Place the gnoccis on a cooling rack. Continue poaching the rest of the mixture until all gnoccis have been poached. Let them cool and drain. I usually put a folded dish cloth under the rack to keep things tidy. Meanwhile melt the butter in a good size frying pan,  brown it just a bit and add then the fresh sage leaves turning them often until they are crisp but not burnt! Remove them from the pan and once the gnoccis have cooled down and aren't wet- only damp- then place the gnoccis in the pan with the brown butter and turning when they are browned. Once they are browned on both sides, place them in everyone's pasta bowls with the sage leaves and parmesan!

Many many thanks to Brian for Thankful Thursday!

Buon appetito!


Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Wordless Wednesday January 25, 2023

I took these two photos back in March of 2022.
Our good friends who live close by are lucky
to have such a beautiful Camellia in their backyard!
Here's a closeup!
Have a great day always! 
Thanks Sandee!!!

PS My header is of Butternut Squash Gnocci!
I discovered this recipe and I will be sharing
it on Brians Thankful Thursdays  blog!


Friday, January 20, 2023

Awww Monday! January 23, 2023


Once again our family is growing!
This little guy is quite the cutie and
he is enjoying his quilt! 
I sure had fun making it too!
Our nieces and nephews are beginning 
to have babies of their own- so now I am not just 
Aunt Kathe....but Aunt Kathe the Great! 
Hahahah. Have a happy and awesome day!


Thursday, January 19, 2023

Feline Friday! and Friendly Fill-ins! January 20. 2023

Jaguars are the third largest cat in the world — after the tiger and lion — and the biggest in the Americas. They can grow up to 170cm long, not including their impressive tails, but their size can vary a lot between regions depending on the size of the local prey.
Black jaguars live alone, marking their large territories with their scat and by leaving distinctive claw markings on trees. They can kill just about any type of prey they encounter but prefer large animals such as capybaras, alligators, deer and armadillos.
Obviously these cats are NOT pussycats!
Jaguar populations are listed as Near Threatened by the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Deforestation and poaching are just a couple of the threats contributing to their decline. The black jaguar’s range once spanned from the southern United States down to the tip of South America. However they have been virtually eliminated from half of their historic range.

Many thanks to MessyMimi who is now hosting Feline Friday! 

Friendly Fill-ins!

Here are the Friendly Fill-Ins for tomorrow. Ellen of
 15 and Meowing   came up with the first two and her
 co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs 
came up with second two.

1. _____________________makes me feel old.
2. ____________________makes me feel young.
3. Recently, _________ came in very handy.
4. I think that _________ is the most useless __

Here are my fill-ins:
1. Looking in the mirror in the early morning makes me feel old.
2. Dancing with my sweet husband makes me feel young.
3. Recently, my saving boxes came in very handy.
4. I think that worrying is the most useless emotion.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Thankful Thursday January 19, 2023

The rain may drive us all a bit bonkers, 
but it is a gift from Mother Nature and
I am thankful for all the rain as it nurtures 
our trees, bushes and flowers along with
giving us water to save and share with the 
birds and assorted mammals that live 
along with us. The deer, birds, squirrels, racoons,
possums and other animals flourish with the water.
Our French friends have taught me about 
saving water in large containers such as 
plastic garbage cans or large buckets.
They have the gutters from the house directly
filling up all the many large containers in their
backyard and over the rainy winter they
harvest so much rain! So much that
in the summer when they are not home I and
the neighbors use buckets of water to care for all 
of the trees, bushes and flowers that need attention. 
What a brilliant idea! We will be doing this also.
It makes total sense! 
Thanks Brian for Thankful Thursday!



Sunday, January 15, 2023

Awww Monday! January 16, 2023

I always thought robins migrated south in
the winter, but we still see them flying
in and out of our trees!
Maybe it's not so cold for these robins??
So I googled and this what I found out:
"American Robins can be found year round in Washington
although most often the birds that breed in Washington
migrate south and are replaced for the winter by birds that
nest further north. Large migratory flocks can be seen
in the spring and fall."
Once again I have learned something new!
Have a great week!
Thanks Sandee!


Friday, January 13, 2023

Feline Friday January 13, 2023

This awdorable cat is Baila and she gets to spend
her summers in France! Her family moved to
Vancouver WA 3 years ago, but still go back
to Paris to visit family and friends. 
Baila flies over with them in the passenger cabin.
No being in the baggage compartment thank you! 
While they are gone for 2 months we help their
nearby neighbors in watering the garden, 
feeding their goldfish in the large pond and
bringing in their mail! 
Have a great weekend and Happy Feline Friday! 
Now how about Friendly Fill-Ins!!!
Thanks to Lorianne and 15andMeowing

Here are the fill-ins-

1. A recent earworm I had was _______________ .
2. I have no interest in reading .
3. I would give _________ in exchange for _________.
4. _________ is my favorite scent

And here are my answers!
1. A recent earworm I had was Wayfaring Stranger.
2. I have no interest in reading Science Fiction.
3. I would give whatever I could in exchange for world peace.
4. Vanilla is my favorite scent.


Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Happy Tuesday and Wordless Wednesday! January 10/11, 2023

Come have fun doing a Happy Tuesday Scottish Jig!!! 

While traveling in Scotland in the Fall of 2006
we visited friends outside of Inverness and
then one day they took us on a wonderful drive.
One of our stops was the Castle Varrich.
What a wonderful and happy experience!
Have a Happy Tuesday and a terrific Wordless Wednesday!




Thursday, January 05, 2023

Feline Friday! January 6, 2023

Here are the 10 week old brother and sister kittens 
ready to go to their new home! They were fostered 
by our neighbors/good friends from the time
they were 6 weeks old. Their mother was too feral to be 
fostered in a private home. She has been spayed and
 has also had all her shots. The Humane Society has 
given the kittens all their inoculations and they 
have been spayed/neutered. They are being adopted 
by a family that will keep them together and 
they will be inside only cats!

Here is the sister kitty exploring and 
looking for her brother. She meows loudly if 
she cannot find him and he usually comes and
finds her!

Here they are playing on the stairs.

And here's our friend holding both- 
the sister on the left and the brother on the right!
The brother is named Peter and the sister is Piper!
Of course the folks adopting them might 
change their names!

And here is info on the brand new Cat Shelter!
We will certainly go to the open house!
Have a great day and a BIG THANK  YOU
to Messy Mimi for hosting Feline Friday!
Friendly Fill-ins!
Here are the Fill-Ins :
1. January is a good month to ______________________.
2. My favorite kind of pizza is _______________.
3. The new year just began and I’m already _________.
4. My typical weekend involves _________.

And here are my answers: 

1. January is a good month to organize all the messy closets and cupboards!
2. My favorite kind of pizza is Marguerita Pizza!
3. The new year just began and I’m already for sunny days please!
4. My typical weekend involves having folks over for dinner.

Sunday, January 01, 2023

Awww Monday! January 2, 2023

First off I would like to wish 
all of you a Very Happy New Year!

We had a lovely holiday time with
friends, family and our great neighbors!
However- we had so much fun that we need
to cut back on our calories and get back
to the health club! 
Hence the Caprese salad photo!
Fresh tomatoes, fresh basil, a bit of olive oil,
squeezed lemon and ground pepper! YUM!
Have a delicious week!
Thanks Sandee for all that you do!
