"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." ~George Bernard Shaw

"Look at everything as though you were seeing it either for the first or last time." ~Betty Smith, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn

Thursday, April 28, 2022

Thankful Thursday and Feline Friday! April 28 and 29, 2022

Here is sweet Annabelle with her 5 newborn kittens. 
They were born between 3:30pm to 6:30pm April 27, 2022!
Annabelle has been staying with our good friends since
being rescued from a bad situation for her
and other pregnant cats that were also rescued.
Once the kittens are old enough they will be
vaccinated and neutered/spayed and then
adopted! Annabelle will also be spayed and adopted!
I am so thankful for friends who foster cats and 

Have a wonderful Thankful Thursday and Feline Friday!


Thursday, April 21, 2022

Feline Friday! April 21, 2022

Our dear friends are now fostering
this sweet cat who will be having 
her kittens most likely next week!
Annabelle is in a very safe and loving
home with children who are learning
how to care for and foster cats.
After Annabelle has her babies and when
they are old enough they will have all
their vaccines and will be spayed/neutered
before being adopted. 
Annabelle will also be ready to be adopted.

Friendly Fill-ins! Brought to us by  Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs and Ellen of 15andmeowing.

Here are the Fill-ins for tomorrow:

1. A book or movie that I recently read (or saw) that I recommend is ____________________.
2. I prefer to shop _______________,
3. I have a lot of trust in _________.
4. I have very little trust in _________.

And here are my answers:

1.  A book I recently read that I recommend is
       The Last Bookshop in London 
written by Madeline Martin.
2. I prefer to shop in the early morning mid-week.
3. I have a lot of trust in our friends and neighbors. 
4. I have very little trust in politicians and lobbyists.  

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Wordless Wednesday April 20, 2022

I love seeing miniscule details...
if I had not seen this wee little bird 
I would have lost this photo!


Happy Tuesday! April 19, 2022

One very happy squirrel having breakfast!
Thanks Sandee!


Thursday, April 14, 2022

Feline Friday! April 16, 2022


Here is sweet Rowena waiting to be adopted! 
Have a lovely Feline Friday!
PS My cardioversion went very well! Yeah!


Thankful Thursday! April 14, 2022

Russell and I are celebrating our
32nd anniversary today!
I am so thankful we have each other.
We actually celebrated yesterday as today
I will be having a "Short Stay" heart
procedure in our local hospital.
I have Afib and need this cardioversion
procedure to get my heart beating correctly.
Hopefully this will take care of the problem!
So, I am also so very thankful for our doctors
and our excellent medical care here.
Thanks Brian for Thankful Thursday!

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Wordless Wednesday! April 13, 2022


Beaune, France
Renting a car for two weeks in March of 1995
we explored parts of France with our 15 year old daughter. 
We toured the wine country
and really enjoyed the lovely town of Beaune.

"The Last Judgement" altarpiece by Van der Weyden. 



Monday, April 11, 2022

Happy Tuesday? April 12, 2022

What a surprise! Instead of Snow Drop flowers...
we have heavy soggy snow! In our neighborhood
a lot of our street trees lost some branches due 
to the heavy soggy snow! Yow!

Snow Drop's Information.
Galanthus, or snowdrop, is a small genus of approximately 20 species of bulbous perennial herbaceous plants in the family Amaryllidaceae. The plants have two linear leaves and a single small white drooping bell-shaped flower with six petal-like tepals in two circles. 
The smaller inner petals have green markings. 

Have a very Happy Tuesday!
Thanks Sandee!

Tuesday, April 05, 2022

Wordless Wednesday April 6, 2022

My absolutely favorite photographer-

France. Paris. Place de l’Europe. Gare Saint Lazare. 1932. 
Photograph: Henri Cartier-Bresson/Magnum Photos


Happy Tuesday! April 5, 2022

One of our many sweet Grandnieces! 
She was celebrating St Patrick's Day!
Happy Tuesday to all!


Friday, April 01, 2022

Feline Friday! April 1st, 2022

Since Lucy showed up at our home in October of 2010
and was about 6 months old we decided her birthday
was April 1st! She's a wonderful cat and we love her !
We're lucky she chose us!
Have a great Feline Friday and April Fools day too!