"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." ~George Bernard Shaw

"Look at everything as though you were seeing it either for the first or last time." ~Betty Smith, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Thankful Thursday and Feline Friday! August 27, 2020

Lucy was taking a nap and I guess
I rudely awoke her...judging from her expression?
She is the best kitty ever and we love her so much!
We are so thankful to have her in our life.
Have a lovely day!
As you can see I am pairing Thankful Thursday
 and Feline Friday together. 
Not sheer laziness just sheer busyness. 
Thanks Sandee and Brian!
Have a lovely day...everyday!


Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Wordless Wednesday! August 26, 2020

My favorite place to camp!


Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Thankful Thursday August 20, 2020

I am so thankful for our blogging community.
Meeting such intelligent, interesting and kind
people from all over the world. 
Thank you all!
And special thanks to Brian and Sandee who make
my blogging world very special!

What a pleasant surprise! 
Ms. Purrseidon nominated me for the
Inspiration Blogger Award. 
Many thanks for this !
Here are my answers to her questions:

1. Do you have any advice to the new bloggers?
Write about what interests you, what makes you happy and what makes you laugh.  
2. Do you have any hobbies? 
 Yes. I love to cook, make baby quilts, swimming, reading and making art and taking walks .
3. Do you have any tips for a good life? 
As Auntie Mame said " Life is a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death." I believe in living each day as if it is your last, being kind to all living creatures including humans who sometimes have to be forgiven for their behaviors.  
4. What two things make you happy? 
Living with my best friend/husband and visiting  with our family and friends.
5. What inspires you to write?
I enjoy the communal sharing of ideas, photos, art, jokes, recipes and opinions. 

Sunday, August 09, 2020

Awww Monday August 10, 2020

 Sunrise Friday morning
We made a quick 3 day trip up and back  
to Dunsmuir, California this past weekend.
Visiting good friends, returning things,
  bringing gifts, attending an
art opening and basically having a great time!  
We left at 5am Friday so we could arrive with
most of the day left to play!

Saturday dinner at Cafe Maddalena
Our favorite restaurant!


Sunday we visited more friends, some
with four legs and some with only two legs!
Thanks Bill and Ewana for the brewskis and fun visit!



And Mister!

Plus we had delicious pizza before heading
home to get ready for our drive home
early Monday morning!
(which means you are reading this while we are on the road!)

Thanks Mike and Tana for the yummy dinner!

Have a great week everybody!
And thanks Sandee for all you do! 

Thursday, August 06, 2020

Feline Friday! August 7, 2020

Cameras Reveal the Secret Lives 

of a Mountain Lion Family.

Enjoy and have a lovely weekend!



Thankful Thursday August 6, 2020

It’s Thankful Thursday hosted by Brian of Brian’s Home. 
He wants us to post what we’re thankful for.
About 18 months ago we moved from our
mountain top home near Mt Shasta, California
to our townhouse in Vancouver, Washington.
We love it here and we are so thankful
for all our wonderful neighbors! 
Here are a few photos from yesterday's
Happy Birthday party for two of our neighbors!
The weather was perfect, the food was 
scrumptious and we all had such a good time!

Wednesday, August 05, 2020

Monday, August 03, 2020

Happy Tuesday! August 4, 2020

Here's five of my favorite relatives!
Our families have so many wonderful
children! They are all terrific and if
we could get them altogether in one place
we would need a big park to squeeze all of us in!
Just my side of the family adds up to 32 !
From one newborn all the way to me the oldest at 77.
This family of three boys with Mom and Dad
have the best time exploring new places.
Have a lovely day!

Sunday, August 02, 2020

Awww Monday! August 3, 2020

How can it already be August?
Time is just flying by....
Here are some photos taken early this morning.

Our two roses keep producing
lovely flowers ....
And they smell so good too!

And here are the crocosmias that we 
planted last year...I just love their color!  

Our clematis is still producing
lots of blossoms.... 

And here's the deck that Russell was working
on last week! He finished it in less than a week!
He's amazing! 
Even with the Wuhan flu aka Covid-19
we have had a wonderful summer.
One can still enjoy friends and family
while being careful and taking care. 

Have a lovely day- every day!
Thanks Sandee!