"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." ~George Bernard Shaw

"Look at everything as though you were seeing it either for the first or last time." ~Betty Smith, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn

Friday, May 29, 2020

It's Feline Friday! May 29, 2020

So...when's dinner?
Have a splendid day and great weekend!
and here's my Friendly Fill-ins!
Thanks to Ellen of 15andmeowing 
and Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs

1. I would like to improve my patience skills.
2. My sweet husband is my best friend.
3. My current to-do list includes getting to go on vacation!
4. I finally started the latest baby quilt due in November!


Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Thankful Thursday! May 28, 2020

Before we moved to Vancouver Washington about
18 months ago we lived for 6 years on 10 and 1/2 acres
outside of Mt Shasta California. We were surrounded
not only by mountains, but also by all sorts of
wild animals such as deer, bear, cougar, coyotes,
foxes, bobcats, squirrels, wild turkeys and jack rabbits.  
So when we moved up north I knew I would really miss
all the wild animals that we would see every day.

So when we moved here we made sure that
we found a home that we could look out
our windows and not see a fence, but would
observe birds, bunnies and squirrels in
the protected green space next to our home.  
And obviously we did!
We are so grateful and thankful that we
found this tiny peaceful paradise to live 
next to and enjoy.

There is even not far from us a large pasture
where cows graze. Just a few minutes to walk there.

Some of our neighbors would just as soon
not have the bunnies in their gardens, 
but I learned to be ambivalent about the
wildlife eating my plants while living
in the mountains. If they ate something...
guess what ? I didn't plant it again.
I learned what they didn't like and that is
what I used for landscaping 
and also what I planted in pots.
And that is what I do here.
Bunnies do not like herbs such as thyme,
lavender, rosemary, oregano and even basil.
Instead of growing tomatoes etc I go
to the lovely Farmers Market here that is
open even now with the virus situation.
They have rules and I am thankful they do
so we can go shopping and support our farmers!
Have a wonderful day, stay safe and be happy!
Thanks Brian for Thankful Thursday!

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Awww Monday! May 18, 2020

Photo taken in Plymouth CA
May 16, 2015

 My all time favorite bird!
The Red-winged Blackbird.
Glorious song and pretty bird.
Click HERE for more! 
I took this photo some time ago at a winery 
in the Sierra Foothills of California.


Thursday, May 14, 2020

Feline Friday! May 15,2020

Even Lucy is getting Cabin Fever!
Actually she is beginning to wonder 
when she can have the house to herself!
We do take her for walks outside
and play games with her in the house.
BUT we think she'd like some down time.
Have a great weekend and do take care!
Thanks Sandee!


Thankful Thursday May 14, 2020

right now some folks might disagree,
but I try to look on the bright side, 
count my blessings and try not to
complain too much or too often.
I hope all of you are doing well and 
taking care of yourself and your loved ones.
We are not able to see our grown children
except via the internet and talking on the phone.
But, we know they are well, healthy and as 
patient as they can be while working from home! 
So I am thankful knowing they are doing
well as are other members of our large
extended family. 
And I hope you are as well. Cheers! 
And thanks to Brian for Thankful Thursday!

**Song by Judy Garland

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Wordless Wednesday May 13, 2020

Eventually things will be OK!
Meanwhile we will continue keeping
ourselves busy and productive at home.
All the best to everyone! 
Cheers and Thank You Sandee!



Sunday, May 10, 2020

Awww Monday! May 11, 2020

A Springy Tour of Our Garden!

 Our iris from Monet's garden in Giverny, France
They have moved with us 3 times! 
From Lake Oswego OR to Weed CA to Vancouver WA!
And still willingly bloom each year! 

We have two pink rose bushes that were here
when we moved in. They are lovely, fragrant
and consistently bloom from Spring til late Fall.

Allium. First time I have tried planting them.
Love the color and how they attract pollinators.


Peonies midst Bracken ferns.

 And last but certainly not least...
our recycled metal dog sculpture.
Recently purchased from Attic Gallery.
A local art gallery in Camas Washington.
Have a great week and stay happy and healthy! 
Thanks Sandee! 


Thursday, May 07, 2020

Feline Friday! May 8, 2020

One of the first photos of Lucy!
Lucy showed up in our lives in December 2010.
She was only 6 months old and in heat!
She was fighting with all the neighborhood cats 
and was very stressed out.
We had been without a kitty for about 2 years
and when she showed up she was so welcomed into
our hearts. Lucy is a lovely cat and we love her so much!   


Thankful Thursday! May 7, 2020

While we are spending more time at home
I am noticing beauty in the oddest places.
Perhaps this peaceful and quiet time is
teaching me to be a bit more observant .
Have a lovely day today and every day!
Thanks to Brian for Thankful Thursday!

Tuesday, May 05, 2020

Wordless Wednesday May 6, 2020 Mystery Solved!

My mystery plant has now been identified!
It is an Arborvitae! I am familiar with this
tree, but never had seen one with these cones.
Hence my calling it a mystery plant!
I mentioned my mystery plant on this week's
Awww Monday post. And you can learn more
about the tree and cone by clicking on the link below! 
Have a lovely Wordless Wednesday!
Cheers and be happy and healthy!


Sunday, May 03, 2020

Paint Party Friday May 3, 2020

I am a bit late to the party
but just discovered this fun blog!
So, I'll be playing from here on!

 In November 2018 we were in Zihuatenejo Mexico.

We usually go there every November, but missed going
 this past fall. I always take my watercolor pencils 
with me and make up images as I sit under the palapa.
 You can see my beach towel under the drawing. 
This next week I will pretend I am sitting under
 the palapa and will draw another
 imaginary place perhaps in Mexico.
Thanks Kristin and Eva for the Paint Party Friday!

Awww Monday! May 4, 2020

A few weeks ago we took a long neighborhood
walk and I spotted an evergreen hedge that
had some little round multi-faceted green "nuts/cones" on the ends of some branches.
  I picked 3 and brought them home
to see what would happen if I put them out in the sun.
 The birds, the rabbits and the squirrels ignored them.
Then they began to turn brown and began to open.
I could see little seeds inside them.
One disappeared and I spotted this squirrel eating one.
You can see the last one on the brick in front of the owl.
I should have taken a close up photo but darn I did not.
Now I will have to try and remember where I 
found them on our 90 minute neighborhood wander.   
I want to know what the plant is called.
Tried googling "round multi-faceted nut" .
But got nowhere. Any ideas out there? 
The evergreen bush looked sort of like an Arborvitae.
But the "nuts/cones"on Arborvitae look different.    
Have a lovely day !


Friday, May 01, 2020

Feline Friday May 1, 2020

Introducing Chile our good friend Joe's
newest kitty. She is about 7 months old
She is of the sweetest little cats we've ever met! 

 Friendly Fill-ins
Each Thursday Ellen of 15andmeowing 
and Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs
provide Friendly Fill-in questions.

Here are this weeks questions: 1. It is important to learn _________________.
2. When I was ___________, I was obsessed with ___________.
3. I feel _________ about _________.
4. My lucky number is _________.

 Here are my answers:

1. It is important to learn to be polite.
2. When I was a teenager, I was obsessed with being perfect.
3. I feel so blessed about being married
 to such a wonderful man.
4. My lucky number is 14.

Have a great day and thanks Sandee
for all you do! 
