I am a lucky duck, I was tagged, along with ten other victims
(er, I mean lucky ducks), by Eric Alder
http://ericalder.wordpress.com/ )
Since I haven't been tagged in quite awhile,
I thought what the heck-I’d play along…
The rules of this tagging are:
1.You must post these rules
2.Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post
3.Create eleven new questions to ask the people you’ve tagged
4.Tag eleven people with a link to your post. (The hardest part, in my case)
5.Let them know you tagged them
The eleven questions I must answer are:
1.What do you really like that nobody else seems to enjoy at all?
This is a hard question- maybe Foreign films that are sub-titled?2.What thing from childhood (besides youth) do you wish you still had?
My old ice skates-wouldn't fit in them but just as a momento.
3.If you could change just one event in history – what, how and why?
I wish we had never ever gone into Iraq.
4.Favorite pizza toppings?
Fresh tomato, basil,pepperincinis and fresh garlis ...lots!
5.Favorite alcoholic beverage? (Or non-alcoholic)
Cold IPA ale on a hot summer day after gardening
6.Place you’ve never visited but would love to?
Cinque Terre in Italy
7.Favorite old movie?
Auntie Mame
8.Guilty musical pleasure?
9.You’ve won a huge lottery! Now what?
Don't do anything different for a year. Ponder.
10.Modern convenience you just can’t live without?
Hot water in a bathtub
11.Do you really like question lists like these?
Well now- it's ok-BUT I wouldn't want to do this all the time.My eleven new questions are:
1. What is your very first memory?
2. If you had a camera as a child, what was your favorite photo?
3. What is your favorite meal?
4. What super power would you like to have?
5. What is your favorite junk food?
6. What book are you reading right now?
7. Who is your personal hero/heroine?
8. Favorite city and why?
9. Your favorite all time movie?
10. Do or don't you like to camp and why?
11. Could you give up your car?
Here are the lucky ducks that I'm tagging:
1. Rinkly Rimes:
http://rinklyrimes.blogspot.com/2. Celia:
http://celiasbluecottage.blogspot.com/3. Logb:
http://logb-chiccoreal.blogspot.com/4. Carrie:
http://thewordwhisperer2.blogspot.com/5. Tumblewords:
http://firsttumblewords.blogspot.com/6. Janice:
http://wwwjanblog-janice.blogspot.com/7. Bee:
http://expatbeesblog.blogspot.com/8. T's Subplot:
http://tssubplot.blogspot.com/9. Helen:
http://woonietest.blogspot.com/10. Kristen:
http://www.livinginthemiddle.com/11. Thingy: