"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." ~George Bernard Shaw
"Look at everything as though you were seeing it either for the first or last time." ~Betty Smith, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
Saturday, December 27, 2008
came over yesterday and removed our large and pesky Pine tree branch that had come down
early Christmas morning on top of our garage. It was still hanging part way in the tree and
was a safety hazard as it kept slowly shifting downwards to the point where we were concerned
to even open our garage door.....yikes.
So Tony and Al (a landscaping friend of his) came over and quickly dispatched that branch.
Here are some before and after pictures plus a little video that shows some of the action....
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas Day!!!

for the yummy Apple Cake

while keeping the dishes and countertops clean!

only holding down the chair but,
watching everyone work......
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Let it snow.....
Meanwhile....where's my peanuts????
More snowy shots on my flickr site....
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
It's been a busy busy year and now it's time to.....

In March our good friends from Abbotsford BC came to visit on their way back from The Grand Canyon. They stayed with Curly and Suzie and we all met for dinner one night. We all know each other from Zihuatanejo....

April found me gardening with Tom and Steve-
as I was ready to be sharing that big 20x20 foot plot!

In early Summer I went camping in the Olympic National Forest with Doug and Peggy for a week. I had never been there before. Such gorgeous scenery. And right in our backyard ! Wow.

I also took a quick one week trip to Colorado to visit my brother Paul, my sister Nina and my good friend Kit. I also got in a good visit with my nephew Evan and his girlfriend Fawn.

Here's an unusual shot at Luscher Farm. Artists at work.....
Russell and I had many a delicious meal with our great neighbors Tom and Steve. Either at our house or theirs.

Here we are being silly in front of a sidewalk mirror....
Russell with sister Barb and Florida sister Susie...Our friends from Scotland, Toni and Andrew came to visit in September. We had a great visit what with traveling to the Redwoods, to the dunes in Florence and allowing them to explore the Columbia Gorge on their own! We were quite sad when they left and felt slightly abandoned for a bit. They are now having an adventure beginning their own "croft" which is Scottish for "small farm". Obviously we'll need to visit soon.

Russell decided early in the summer that he would run for City Council. I took this picture early on with one of his campaign signs that he had up at our favorite gas station. Look at the price compared to the $1.69 it is now !Russell didn't win, but as it turns out it's ok. We have lots of new projects to look forward to!
And so here we are.......Christmas!
Merry Christmas everyone and Happy New Year!
Since I am just getting over my knee surgery
I am being very lazy and allowing this to be
our Christmas Card. We wish all of you the
happiest of holidays and the best New Year to come.
Hugs and Kisses from Kathe and Russell
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving 2008
Rick at the head of the table-resting up after the magnificent meal!
Pat and Merv-Debbie's parents
Pat made a delicious Strawberry Goat Cheese Cheese Cake. Yum.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Oh Those Babies!

adding a pocket to the back
rather than just a label.

The quilt below is for Chantal and Berry's little boy
who is due the end of December. I cannot
mail it until he's born because I want to add
his name and birthdate on the pocket.
He will be joining his big sister Mauri
who is 2 years old now!Here's an old photo
of Mauri when we visited her and her family
in Zaltbommel September 2006

Blank pocket for the moment.....

Close up of the strip design I have fun with.

As a postscript ... .I missed attending brother Paul's
son Clay's wedding in September. He and his wife Tori
are expecting a boy in late February. So I am starting to pull
out fabric and imagining what colors and design I will use....