"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." ~George Bernard Shaw

"Look at everything as though you were seeing it either for the first or last time." ~Betty Smith, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Feline Friday May 27, 2022

Lucy has been watching this part of our
backyard for days and now we see why..... 

Oh my- Lucy's mouse adventure!

Lucy actually caught a mouse after
weeks of sitting and watching for one!
She wanted to bring it into the house-
but we said "No" and we got rid of the dead mouse
 and Lucy came back into the house. 
She was a bit grumpy.
Thanks Sandee for Feline Friday!
Have a great weekend everyone!


Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Thankful Thursday and Feline Friday May 19, 2022

Here is sweet Annabelle- a rescued pregnant kitty
with her little babies. Our good friends hosted
Now the wee little kittens are growing and soon
will be available for adoption as will Annabelle! 
They will all have been spayed/neutered before adopted and 
micro-chipped plus all the necessary vaccines for good health. 
Here are the kittens photos:

These kittens and Annabelle are too precious for words!
I am so thankful for people who take the time
and effort to help these mother cats and babies.
Have a lovely day!


Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Wordless Wednesday May 18, 2022

Summer is coming!
Have a wonderful day!


Happy Tuesday! May 17, 2022

Here's one very happy cat!
Have a great day!




Thursday, May 12, 2022

Feline Friday 5/13/2022


Lucy loves to go into the garage to explore and then
take a cat nap on the car that is warm 
from being driven! Such a happy cat!
Have a wonderful weekend!
It's also time for Friendly Fill-ins! Brought to us by
Lorianne and Ellen! Here are their fill-ins:
1. If you see me ____________ it means ____________________.
2. I am feeling _______________about _____________.
3. I wish I could go back and relive the moment when _________.
4. I would like to swap lives with _________ for a day.

Here are my answers:

1. If you see me baking it means cookies are coming!
2. I am feeling so sad about the Ukraine.
3. I wish I could go back and relive the moment when we maybe had more peace than now.
4. I would like to swap lives with no one for a day. I am very happy with my life.


Sunday, May 08, 2022

Awww Monday May 9, 2022

Here is a photo of Zoé (formally Rowena) 
so happy in her new home! She was adopted 
just a few days ago by one of our neighbors.
She immediately made herself at home by
getting up on the bed and rolling around playing!
More photos on Friday. Have a great week!
Thanks Sandee!!!
Here's the link that tells Zoe's story...


Thursday, May 05, 2022

Feline Friday May 5, 2022


Perhaps you all remember my post from
a few weeks ago? It was all about the
rescued mother cat and her 5 kittens.
You can see it here...
Well! All the kittens have been adopted and
one of our wonderful neighbors adopted 
the mother cat Rowena!  Yippee!
I will get to see her all the time in her new home!
I will post on next Monday photos of
Rowena who now has the name of Zooey Rowena!!
She has blossomed into an amazing cat-
greeting everyone with purrs and cat kisses 
plus head bumps! So very friendly!
Many thanks to the family who took her in 
with all those baby kittens! Without them Rowena
and her kittens would not have their happy ending!  
Have a lovely day- everyday!


Wednesday, May 04, 2022

Thankful Thursday May 5, 2022

So very, very Thankful for all our
wonderful vacations! Life is good!


Wordless Wednesday May 4, 2022

Neighborhood chickens!
Love to hear them clucking away!
Have a great day!

