"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." ~George Bernard Shaw

"Look at everything as though you were seeing it either for the first or last time." ~Betty Smith, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn

Monday, March 07, 2022

Happy Tuesday March 8, 2022

Russell's Birthday Celebration continued.....

A very sweet Standard Poodle at
De Ponte Winery. What a cutie!

After visiting two wineries we drove to McMinnville.
We had made reservations at Hotel Oregon where
we have stayed before. We had also made dinner
reservations at Nick's restaurant right next door!
We had a delightful and delicious dinner.
The next day after breakfast we decided to visit 
the Evergreen Aviation Museum in McMinnville.
What an amazing place!
From Howard Hughes Spruce Goose ....

to far earlier airplanes...it was amazing!

And the Museum had so much historical information
also. We spent several hours and could have 
spent even more. We will come back and go 
through it again!

After several hours we then got back into our car
and drove back to our cozy home and our very
happy cat Lucy! Our sweet neighbor took care
of her while we were gone, but as we all say....
"There's no place like home!!"




  1. What a fun time! May you have many more such trips in your future.

  2. Aviation museums are great. Cool to see the Spruce Goose. I feel privileged that I've been able to visit the Wright Brothers' Museum.

    1. Alex- thanks for all the nice comments you leave- so appreciate you!

  3. Russell had a purrfect bday and a most purrfect companion.
    My guy would love the aviation museum. We have something similar here on our coast dedicated to the Wright Bros first flight.
    Lucy darling you look quite happy
    Hugs Cecilia

  4. Great birthday for Russell ~ and great photos too ~ love the kitty one staring at the painting ~ Xo

    Wishing you love and peace in your day,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  5. There's no place like home indeed. Love that poodle. They are so cute.

    I'm glad Russell had a great birthday and I know Miss Lucy was glad when you got back home.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Love and hugs all around. ♥

  6. What a fun trip you had! THat standard poodle is quite a lapful! heeheehee... Aw... Lucy was glad you came home again . My late friend Mike always ended his conversations with, there is no place like home. :-)

  7. That poodle sure looks comfy! We love to travel and explore, but home is always the best place to be.

  8. I bet Lucy was happy to have you both home.


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