"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." ~George Bernard Shaw

"Look at everything as though you were seeing it either for the first or last time." ~Betty Smith, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn

Thursday, February 24, 2022

Feline Friday and Friendly Fill-ins! February 25, 2022

One of my favorite cats was Larry. He was a neighborhood kitten that wandered around and my son Paul wanted to adopt him as the older neighbor didn't take care of his cats. We were going on vacation and I instructed my 18 year old to " NOT let the kitten in the house" while we were gone. 
Well... we got home and the kitten was lounging on our bed, making himself at home, noshing on yummy food and having a lovely time. Of course I took Larry ( yep he had been named!) to the vet and got all his vaccines etc. Larry was a fun cat, very loving and lived to be 20 years old! One of these days I will unpack all our photo albums and find some fun photos of all our cats to share! Have a lovely day....everyday!
Thanks Sandee!

Each Thursday Ellen of 15andmeowing and Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs, provide Friendly Fill-in questions.

Ellen came up with the first two questions and Lorianne came up with the last two questions.

If you need help, please let either Ellen or Lorianne know. Thanks Ellen and Lorianne!!!

Here are this weeks questions:

1. _______________ is the ___________-est I have ever been.
2. I really hate going to _________________.
3. While most people _________, I _________.
4. I’m glad that _________ was invented.

Here are my answers:

1. While pregnant with my two sons is the fattest I have ever been.

2. I really hate going to the dentist even tho' we have a really great dentist!

3. While most people can fill out this sentence, I can't think of anything!.

4. I’m glad that the telephone was invented.



Thursday, February 17, 2022

Feline Friday and Friendly Fill-ins February 18, 2022

Might look funny, but don't let your cat eat fries!
Instead let them eat fish while you do the Friendly Fill-ins!! 

Each Thursday Ellen of 15andmeowing
 and Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs, provide Friendly Fill-in questions. Ellen came up with the first two questions and Lorianne came up with the last two questions. If you need help, please let either Ellen or Lorianne know.
Here are the Fill-Ins:

1. It’s about time ______________________________.
2. An anecdote I like to tell is _______________________________.
3. I wish there was a way to _________ without _________.
4. Too many people take _________ for granted.

Here are my answers:

1. It’s about time to give Peace a chance.
2. An anecdote I like to tell is how my brothers and I would have water fights for fun! Slinging mud too!
3. I wish there was a way to cook big meals without having to do the dishes.
4. Too many people take their families for granted.

Have a great Friday!


Thankful Thursday! February 17, 2022

 I am so thankful for all my
siblings- they are all kind and caring
individuals. Here's my sister
Nina who adopts older dogs
needing a good home. She also
encourages all of us to donate to

Have a wonderful Thankful Thursday!


Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Wordless Wednesday! February 16, 2022

My sweetie took this photo in the fall of 2017.
We were living on 10.5 acres near Mt Shasta at that time.
Magical place.



Happy Tuesday February 15, 2022

Lucy is the sweetest kitty ever! 
We love her so much- she keeps us smiling!
Thanks Sandee for Happy Tuesday!


Friday, February 11, 2022

Feline Friday and Friendly Fill-Ins! February 11, 2022

Feline Friday!

Lucy and Russell sleeping in.....
Lucy has changed her sleeping habits...
now we have her snuggling in with 
us as we snooze. Very cozy and sweet!
Thanks Sandee for all that you do!
Friendly Fill-ins!

Each Thursday Ellen of 15andmeowing and Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs, provide Friendly Fill-in questions. Ellen came up with the first two questions and Lorianne came up with the last two questions. If you need help, please let either Ellen or Lorianne know.

Here are this weeks questions:
1. A week without ___________ would be nice.
2. A week without _________ would be impossible.
3. I didn’t plan to _________, but I’m glad I did.
4. I once _________ and lived to regret it.

Here are my answers:
1. A week without hearing bad news would be nice.
2. A week without baking cookies and eating some would be impossible.
3. I didn’t plan to retire early, but I’m glad I did.
4. I once married the wrong person and lived to regret it.


Wednesday, February 09, 2022

Wordless Wednesday, February 9, 2022

 A sweet trio of little Goldfinches.
I took this photo while visiting friends
in the Mt Shasta area of California.


Thursday, February 03, 2022

Feline Friday and Friendly Fill-ins! February 4, 2022

Lucy lounging on our buffet during Christmas.

Now....onto Friendly Fill-ins!
Friendly Fill-ins are brought to us from Ellen and Lorraine!  

   Here are my fill-ins:

 1. I feel relaxed when I am curled up by the fire reading a good book.

2. I wish I could erase negative and uneccesary past events from my memory to free up some space.
3. Others probably find it annoying that I am a neatnik.
4. A magic wand really needs to be invented.

Tuesday, February 01, 2022

Wordless Wednesday Happy Groundhogs Day!!!!! February 2 , 2022


Did he see his shadow?? 
I think he is speechless!
Have a great day!