"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." ~George Bernard Shaw

"Look at everything as though you were seeing it either for the first or last time." ~Betty Smith, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Wordless Wednesday! December 30, 2020

No I did not get into futile fight----
I am fruitful of raspberries!
Wishing you all a Happier New Year !


Saturday, December 26, 2020

Awww Monday! December 28, 2020

Our friends and their pup joined us for a bite to eat
at our favorite outdoor restaurant and tap house.
They have rigged up ( with city's approval )
on their outdoor deck a large canopy with
clear sides so that we can see out and be
warm and dry while it rains outside!
We all practice the Covid rules and it's 
great to be with fun people!
Have a great week!

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Merry Christmas and Feline Friday! December 25, 2020

I wrote the poem below many years ago.

 Today is much simpler

With only stockings to fill

But I miss the childish chuckles

In the early morning still

Of sweet children opening gifts

Of toys so wanted and admired

Whispered softly in Santa's ear

What those little hearts desired

And in that early morning

As parents yawn and smile

They watch their lovely children

Past remembrances beguile

Another lovely Vancouver kitty!
Merry Merry Christmas! 
Lots of good wishes and hugs!
Thanks Sandee!

Thankful Thursday! December 24, 2020

I am so thankful for all the friends
we have met and kept over the years.
Especially this year. We may not be able 
to visit them in person, but we certainly 
can talk on the phone, write letters back
 and forth and exchange photos and 
stories online! I consider all our blogger
buddies our friends too - and special thanks
 to Sandee and Brian who are blogger hosts!
May you all have a wonderful holiday 
and may we all have a Happier New Year!

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Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Wordless Wednesday December 23, 2020

Wordless and Timeless


Sunday, December 13, 2020

Wordless Wednesday! December 16, 2020

I am quite late posting as my computer insisted it
needed to go to the Computer Geek.
I complied of course and it was a good thing too!
So no more visiting some blogs as 
that's where I got the malware. Boo Hoo.

This photo was taken a few years back
when we still lived in the Northern California
mountains. We used to go on Friday hikes
led by Neal Clarke and he took this amazing photo!
Have a lovely day!



Awww Monday! December 14, 2020


               Here's a Christmas cutie! Have an awesome day!                      And Thanks Sandee!



Monday, December 07, 2020

Happy Tuesday December 8, 2020


and here's..................Reilly!

                             One of our fav dogs! Belongs to one of                                                   Russell's brother and sis-in-law.                                   Very fun pup for sure!


Awww Monday! December 7, 2020

In rembrance of Pearl Harbor.
December 7, 1941
I attempted to post a photo of just the
American flag, but was denied by server.
But this image works!

 And here's Winnie! 
When we lived in Lake Oswego, Oregon,
Winnie and her buddy Joe did not 
live far from us. 
Thanks Sandee for Awww Monday!


Thursday, December 03, 2020

Time for Feline Friday!!!! December 4, 2020

A very pawsome video from Korea!
Enjoy!  Smiles and purrs!
Thanks Sandee!!!


Each Thursday Ellen of 15andmeowing and Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs, provide Friendly Fill-in questions. Ellen came up with the first two questions and Lorianne came up with the last two questions. Here are my answers to this weeks fill-ins:  

  1. I am going to give each of my Great Nieces and Nephews a National Geographic subscription for Christmas.    

 2. I sleep about 6-7 hours a night.                            

 3. My home is decorated with three little Christmas trees.

4. Playing Christmas carols makes me feel festive.



Thankful Thursday! December 3, 2020

 Thanks to Brian we have Thankful Thursday!
Today and every day I am so thankful for
my wonderful husband who has always 
been there for me. We are having such a wonderful
and delightful life together. He's my best pal!