"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." ~George Bernard Shaw

"Look at everything as though you were seeing it either for the first or last time." ~Betty Smith, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Wordless Wednesday! Announcing New Blog! 2020 A to Z Challenge!

I will be playing in the 
2020 A to Z Challenge !
Starts tomorrow and here's the link:
I will still be posting here on Sandee's Awww Monday,
Happy Tuesday, Wordless Wednesday and Feline Friday!
And hopefully on Brian's Thankful Thursday! 
BUT I hope you will also look in on my A Bird a Day!
Cheers and enjoy your day even if you have to stay inside...

August 28, 2013 
Gumboot Lake
Siskiyou County, California



Monday, March 30, 2020

Happy Tuesday! March 31, 2020

Well.....what can I tell ya? Lucy is Happy
because the table was left unsecured!
5 seconds later she jumped down as I entered !!!
And beer in my glass too!
Have a lovely day with those closest to you!
Stay safe, be happy and healthy!
This too shall pass!
Cheers and BIG hugs!  


Awwww Monday! March 30, 2020

Russell made dinner the other night...
his delicious burritos! 
Spicy and tasty !  

One of our resident squirrels having a mid-day snack!
He's been busy all day digging up snacks!

Over here we have absolutely no complaints...seriously....boredom has not set in nor any petty stupid arguments.
 Russell has been assisting neighbors with 
outdoor landscaping projects,
I've made one baby quilt (now at the long arm quilters)
 and I resurrected all the teeny bits of fabric
left over from a multitude of other baby quilts made 
since I think 2008? Anyhow, I am sewing these bits
together and hopefully making a reasonable semblance of another baby quilt. Not named after Covid-19. 
Maybe called "Little Bits".
We have lots of freezer goodies,even ice cream still... shhhhhhhhhhh do not tell Russell or he'll be demanding
dessert besides the yummy Crunchy Almond butter cookies and Gingersnap cookies I made a few days ago.

Have a good day today and everyday!


Thursday, March 26, 2020

It's Feline Friday! Friday March 27, 2020

Now that we are staying home for awhile
Lucy is taking more interest in what Russell
is doing.  Usually she's just looking for handouts!
We are lucky to have her to entertain us when
we aren't inventing chores or projects to
keep us busy while practicing seclusion.
We hope you all are doing well and are happily healthy!
Take care and keep up the good work!
Thanks Sandee! 


Thursday, March 19, 2020

Feline Friday March 20, 2020

Lucy told me this:
"While life is chaotic and disruptive right
now...just remember to smile, wave and
be nice to each other....it makes everyone
feel better and more relaxed."
And then she purred and flopped down into my lap!  
Have a lovely day every day! Things will improve!


Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Wordless Wednesday March 18, 2020

Having fun fiddling around making
 Blood Orange marmalade and also making ART! 
Have a good day and make up projects 
that entertain you and feed you! 


Friday, March 13, 2020

Feline Friday March 13, 2020

Lucy the Cat!
Next month she will be 10 years old!
She came into our lives and hearts
at the age of 6 months as a feral stray.
It took us a bit, but we managed to
entice her into our home with tasty food.
After a few weeks she was nicely settled
in and the only time she goes outside is
 with us on a leash. She takes us for walks!
We are so lucky to have her with us.  
Have a lovely day!


Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Wordless Wednesday March 11,2020

Standing on Black Butte looking west
towards Mt Eddy.
April 7, 2014 @ 11:07am


Saturday, March 07, 2020

AWWW Monday! March 9, 2020

Birthday girl Stephanie with her 
new little puppy Dakota!

Stephanie blowing out her birthday candles!!
Not just one cake for her, but TWO!

After dinner and birthday dessert
Logan, Stephanie and Kevin laughed
and had fun with Lucy while first
she ate some fresh catnip and then
they got to play with her tossing toys and
getting her to chase them! 
Such a fun evening! Life is good. 


Wednesday, March 04, 2020

Thankful Thursday! March 5, 2020

Happy Happy 75th Birthday Russell!
I count my blessings everyday...
and if it weren't for my wonderful
husband Russell,  my life would not
be so sweet and loving.  
We're having dinner at La Bottega
of our favorite Italian restaurants!  
Cheers and may you have an equally great day!
Many thanks to Brian for Thankful Thursday!

Feline Friday !!! March 6, 2020

Lucy was sleeping quite nicely tucked in 
and almost invisible! 

But ...ahah!...she caught sight of me!
We just love Lucy soooo much!
She's a great cat!
Thanks Sandee for Feline Friday!

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Monday, March 02, 2020

Happy Tuesday March 3, 2020

Yesterday Russell and I drove across the
Columbia River to pick up the Portland light rail.
We went downtown to the Portland Art Museum.  
We primarily wanted to see the retrospective
of  Robert Colescott's paintings. 
While we there we also viewed the exhibit of posters
The Art of Reading. Which is where I saw these
six glassed in periodicals. Two of which above
I enlarged so you could easily read them.

Have a lovely Tuesday!
