"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." ~George Bernard Shaw

"Look at everything as though you were seeing it either for the first or last time." ~Betty Smith, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn

Sunday, April 01, 2012

Magpie Tales #111 Spring Building

image: ParkeHarrison

He weaves so deftly and with care
This home of soft twigs and grasses
Remembering generational skills
Taught so well as a child
Now it's his turn


  1. Very interesting to read a poem and see an image where the male is the nest builder providing sanctuary for the next generation rather than the female.

  2. and we carry forward the home life we grew up in...for better or worse...

  3. Thanks for ditching the word verification! I did too :o)
    Really good, compact write!

  4. So true - the nesting instinct - passing on the skills of those who have gone before.

  5. We often forget the fathers role in raising children, passing on skills and knowledge.

    Anna :o]

  6. I like to think good generational skills are passed from one to another...

  7. A very thoughtful piece, Kathe.

  8. Those of us fortunate to have good role models ... we know how to build our nests, don't we?

  9. Kathe I love this....mine is slightly similar in a way...you will see. :-)

  10. A house husband is very common these days. We forget it is more physical at home than the office.


  11. Hooray for instinct! Stephen and Hank, aren't the best homes built by two?

  12. Beautiful...some male birds are nest builders. You described the process so wonderfully.

    I'm glad I clicked your link.

  13. Thoughtful, exacting and so very special.

  14. I'm in favour of all nest builders...

  15. One always hopes the generational skills are worth passing along...

    Nice write.


  16. I really liked this one, felt it had a security factor to it!

    We had blue tits nesting in our garden one year and over the weeks could not believe the amount of commitment that the pair took over their home - especially once the eggs hatched!

  17. I think he needs a roof or a poncho.
    But maybe I'm too hedonistic. ;)

  18. It is good to see that some species look to care for their young
    ~ mine was a bit jaded
    Merciless games

  19. A lovely piece. It's amazing all that we absorb in our youth that we don't realize until later.


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