"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." ~George Bernard Shaw

"Look at everything as though you were seeing it either for the first or last time." ~Betty Smith, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn

Sunday, March 31, 2019

It's Awww Monday and April Fools Day! April 1, 2019

Last Saturday we actually went to downtown
Vancouver, Washington for the first time
since we moved! It was a gorgeous day and
we had a lovely time and a delicious brunch.
The photo above is my attempt of making a collage...
I need to find some online software better
than what I have at the moment.
But, it will do for now!
This is the I-5 bridge that crosses the Columbia river.
On the south side is the state of Oregon. Not much traffic
on Saturday but it is a traffic nightmare on week days.
It is the biggest chokepoint on all of I-5 from 
the border of Mexico to the border of Canada.
Not so Awwwsome !
Meanwhile here's a cute Awww Monday photo...
Two of our former neighbors with
adorable little goats....hard to say
which duo is cuter!
Have a lovely day!


Friday, March 29, 2019

Feline Friday! March 29, 2019

Lucy is attempting to stare at me
long enough so that I get her message
that it's time to take a walk!
Each Thursday Ellen of 15andmeowing and
Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs,
provide Friendly Fill-in questions.
Here are my answers to this weeks fill-in questions:
1. I am allergic to rude people.
2. Our taxes are done! Yay!
3. I don’t tell many people my political beliefs.
4.  When it rains, I put on my raincoat
or stay inside and cook!
Have a delightful weekend!


Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Wordless Wednesday March 27, 2019

Have a lovely day!


Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Thankful for Spring! March 21, 2019

Thanks to Brian for Thankful Thursday!
I planted these little signs of spring
last month. And now that is sunny
and warmer they are happily blooming!   

And below is what I think might be a
Mock Orange shrub. There are a lot 
beginning to bloom in our back yard.
I'll take a sample to our local nursery
to really find out what it is.  
Have a great day!

Friday, March 15, 2019

Feline Friday! and Friendly Fill-Ins! March 15, 2019

This is Lucy's favorite sunny spot.
After her lunch this is where she has a siesta. Ole!
Have a lovely day and do try to
have a siesta yourself!
Each Thursday Ellen of 15andmeowing and
Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs,
provide Friendly Fill-in questions.
Ellen came up with the first two questions and Lorianne came up with the last two questions.
If you need help, please let either Ellen or Lorianne know.
Here are this weeks questions:
1. I could live on __________.
2. I rarely ___________, but when I do, __________.
3. I would most like to be known for __________.
4. If you want __________, you have to __.
And here are my answers:
1. I could live on appetizers.
2. I rarely tell a lie, but when I do, it's a doozy!
3. I would most like to be known for being kind.
4. If you want to travel, you have to save your money.
Remember pack half the clothes and take
twice as much cash!
And remember to always have fun! Cheers!


Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Thankful Thursday! March 13, 2019

Thankful Thursday is brought to us by Brian
Thanks Brian!
I am especially thankful for our new home
as it backs up to a small green belt where
we can watch little critters and all sorts
of birds hopping and flying through.
I managed to capture this female
Hairy Woodpecker enjoying pecking
away at the suet feeder.
Strangely enough I am grateful for the 205 bridge
that takes us across the Columbia River
to visit friends and family. Sometimes the
traffic can be a bit much, but we're learning
to time our departures and to be patient!

And then if you are not the one driving you
 can look out the window and watch the world go by. 
You can just glimpse Mt. Hood on the far right.
Life is good and I have no complaints!
Have a lovely day!

Wordless Wednesday March 13, 2019

Photo by Jos Zwaan.\
Next time Russell and I travel
to the Netherlands I hope to go here!
Have a lovely day!


Wednesday, March 06, 2019

Feline Friday! Here's Lucy! March 8, 2019

One has to envy how cats can sleep anywhere
and in every yoga position possible!
Lucy is a pro!

Look at those cute little pink toes!
Have a purrfectly wonderful day!!


Thankful Thursday March 7, 2019

I am so very thankful for living here in this country.
Grateful for all our friends near and far.
Thankful for our all our family members near and far.
And especially thankful for my wonderful husband
who I am happy to cook for every day!
He is my best friend! 
Wednesday night's dinner included a home made
loaf of Peasant bread from the Artisan Bread

Cream of Broccoli soup from another one my favorite
So easy and so dang delicious! 
And a salad with lettuce, tomatoes, kalamata olives, 
slivered almonds and Manchego cheese.  
Topped off with juice from a freshly squeezed lime!
What more could we ask for?
Cookies!!! Homemade chocolate chip cookies!
( no photos we ate them all up! )
Have a lovely day today and everyday!
Many thanks to Brian  for Thankful Thursdays! 

Wordless Wednesday March 6, 2019

May flowers always line your path and sunshine light your day.
  May the songbirds serenade you every step along the way.
  May a rainbow run beside you in a sky that's always blue. 
 And may happiness fill your heart each day
 your whole life through.

~ Irish blessing ~


Monday, March 04, 2019

Happy Tuesday! March 5, 2019

A true story......
Enjoy and have a great day!
A llama on a MAX train in late February.
Yes, a llama rode a light rail train in Portland this weekend, TriMet confirmed Monday.
Caesar the No Drama Llama has a website, a social media director, multiple personal assistants and a handler named Larry McCool who says the camelid has a habit of making everyone smile wherever he goes.
On Sunday, according to multiple social media accounts, the llama and crew took the show to the city streets. The llama’s Instagram account indicated the animal and human entourage were on their way to the Wizard Con at the Oregon Convention Center.
Tim Becker, a TriMet spokesman, said the llama would not be permitted to ride, presumably even with a valid fare or Hop Card.
It’s not clear whether Caesar had valid fare.
“While we appreciate that Caeser is promoted as “The No Drama Llama”, and that he apparently was well-behaved during his ride, TriMet policy only allows service animals on TriMet vehicles,” Becker said in an email.
“Service animal,” according to TriMet Code Section 28.10(R), means any guide dog, signal dog or other animal individually trained to perform tasks for an individual with a disability. You can learn more about that policy on this web page. Non-service animals – or “companion animals” – are considered pets, which are only allowed on board in a closed carrier.
According to the llama’s website, Caesar can be hired for a charity, business or personal event or a party where hosts are “looking for a fun and unique guest star.”
Charitable events are free of charge, according to the website.
If you desire or demand more Caesar action, there’s a video profile of him on KGW from last week helpfully posted to the previously described website. The video includes some llama closeups and several utterances of the phrase “That is so Portland,” by KGW personalities.
According to the video, he resides in Jefferson, a bit south of Salem.


Awww Monday March 4, 2019

Seen on Facebook.....
I think we humans could learn a lot
from these two cuties!
Have a sweet Monday!



Saturday, March 02, 2019

Happy Birthday Dr Seuss!!! March 1, 2019

Born March 1, 1904  
I read many Dr Seuss books to my children.
Most of the time at bedtime.
They were entertained and so was I!
We all loved Dr Seuss!!
Thanks ATCAD for reminding us !!