"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." ~George Bernard Shaw

"Look at everything as though you were seeing it either for the first or last time." ~Betty Smith, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn

Saturday, November 02, 2013

Six Word Saturday and Shadow Shot Sunday! 11/2-3/2013

Low Autumn Shadows 11-1-2013

Time to change our clocks!!

I am not really fond of daylight savings time- 
if it were me I would just adjust the clocks forward 1/2 hour 
and be done with it! What do you think?
To see more Six Words or Shadowy Shots go to these links:


  1. Lovely shadow effect in your photo! I agree with you about DST - stop it, please!

  2. I agree. It messes me up when we change the time back. I'm tired way to early then get up way early for far too long. Leave the clocks alone.

    Have a terrific day. :)

  3. Beautiful, mysterious shadow shot for the day!! I love it! Hope you have a lovely weekend! Enjoy!

  4. That is a great shadow shot!
    Big fan of the extra hour of sleep tomorrow.

  5. agreed on the time change...lovely shadows capture in your photo!!!

  6. For me, it's a love/dislike relationship! Hard to do the change in the spring, for sure! Love your shadow shot!

  7. It doesn't bother me. I like the change of seasons and Daylight Savings is just part of it. Happy Weekend.

  8. Stephen- my problem is it's another thing to remember....and trust me- now that we are up here in the mountains I do lose track of details as to what the heck time it is! No joke. Unless we have to be somewhere at a certain time we don't pay much attention.
    Thanks for visiting and always leaving such nice comments!

  9. Anonymous11:03 AM

    It always takes me about a week to get acclimated--and I don't like coming home from work in the dark--makes me feel like a mole! But--you do what you have to do, right?

  10. I know, in some ways good, but the mornings will be darker longer and the evenings darker sooner, that's the part I don't enjoy! I do like daylight!

  11. Great shadows on the wall.

  12. I totally agree with you; never have liked daylight savings time. I like your solution, we should get a petition going. Nice shadows!

  13. Good idea, Kathe ~~ Mr. DLT might turn over in his grave though.
    I like your shadow picture. It looks easy when you use a toy stuffed rabbit.

  14. Love the way the shadows dance in this picture...amazing

  15. Like an intimate glimpse of secret shadows. So lovely.
    Daylight Savings is OK in Australia. I'm used to the change - I think. But never ever ask me what I think on the first day.

  16. Anonymous4:19 PM

    I still wake up at the old time, Kathe, but it's dark. By the time I've adjusted, the clocks are going the other way again. :)

  17. About changing the clocks, I think that we are not happy about the shorter days, and wish to prolong it for as long as possible. Yet, deep down we know that there is a finite amount of daylight anyway, and the clock change will not change that. So we adapt...it could be worse, as Iceland gets maybe 2-3 hours of daylight in December. So that's not all that bad in the US, although losing that hour of sleep in the spring is a bummer :)

  18. Very good shot -- brings out the change of seasons. And yes, i wish we could leave the clocks alone.

  19. I am with you 100%, Kathe, they need to just stop it already, or the other states need to get smart like Arizona and just say NO! The changes are hard on everyone. I do love your shadow pic though, perfect for this end of Autumn time!

  20. Nice shadow painting on your wall :)


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