"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." ~George Bernard Shaw

"Look at everything as though you were seeing it either for the first or last time." ~Betty Smith, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn

Friday, June 19, 2020

Awww Monday! June 22, 2020

 Two more photos of Spot the Cat
sitting happily with my sweetie pie! 

Spot and his brother Spotless were first adopted
by the local fire department. But they 
soon realized that the two kitties needed to be 
with a family. So our friends who live just a few
minutes away were happy to have Spot and
Spotless join their family. However, Spot and
Spotless liked to visit their firemen friends
and would walk over avoiding busy traffic by 
using the close by culvert. 
The fireman brought them back many
 times before the cats realized that they 
needed to stay in their new home. 
And now they do. Such cute kitties! 

Feline Friday! June 19, 2020

Spotless The Cat
He lives in Weed California
with his brother Spot
who has a white spot on his forehead.
Unfortunately he was camera shy and
would not stop so I could get a photo!
Have a wonderful weekend!


Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Wordless Wednesday! June 17, 2020

I saw this amazing rock just leaning against a tree
Here's another view.....

Have a peaceful day!



Tuesday, June 09, 2020

Wordless Wednesday June 10, 2010

Peace and tranquility.


Happy Tuesday June 9, 2020

A few weekends ago we went wine tasting.
Saturday found us in Dayton Oregon at De Ponte
and Sunday found us driving up the Columbia Gorge
to taste wine at Aniche Cellars in Underwood, Washington. 
They had it all set up so that we could sit
down at our own table, enjoy the view, 
taste their delicious wines and pet  the local winery dog
until he just had to take a nap!  

Have a very Happy Tuesday!


Tuesday, June 02, 2020

Monday, June 01, 2020

Happy Tuesday June 2, 2020

 The weather is quite pleasant right now.
It's so lovely to see all the bees out
buzzing from flower to flower.
The bees make me smile as I watch them
flying about intent on gathering
pollen to make honey.
Makes me think of Pooh bear and his 
on going hunt for honey!

Have a sweet day! 
