"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." ~George Bernard Shaw

"Look at everything as though you were seeing it either for the first or last time." ~Betty Smith, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Thankful Thursday! April 30, 2020

Thankful for the wonderful tiling that 
my sweetie installed over just 3 days!
It makes our home entry so much more
serene and welcoming! 
So much nicer than concrete!
Have a lovely day!
And thanks Brian! 

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Wordless Wednesday April 29, 2020

Lucy and Russell enjoying the early morning.
Staying at home is not bad at all!
Cheers and take care!


Happy Tuesday April 28, 2020

Daddy, Mommy and Baby 
Aren't they adorable!
Cheers and have a HAPPY day!


Sunday, April 26, 2020

Awww Monday April 27, 2020

 Happy Birthday P.J. !

My oldest son Phillip John will be 
celebrating his 57th birthday today! 
This photo was taken in the Lincoln City
area of Oregon. His grandparents had
a beach home there and all the boys
loved to go there.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Thankful Thursday! April 23, 2020

We have so much to be thankful these days.
We live in a free country.
People are remembering to be more kind.
The grocery stores are open with plenty for all.
Our medical facilities are not over whelmed.
We are so fortunate to have our wonderful
nurses and doctors.
I think things are getting better....
what do you think?

....and so I continued my positive mood
by making Strawberry Lemon Ginger Jam.
( try saying that 10 times! )
I used up all my recycled jars so I
guess I have enough jam to eat and to share.

 Guess I'll make Spaghetti sauce for dinner!
Bon Appetit! 
See you all tomorrow and thanks to Brian
And if you have time do drop by 
my 2020 A to Z blog! Thanks!

Wordless Wednesday April 22, 2020

It is definitely a "hands-on" time.
We are keeping busy by being productive. 

I spent a few hours making Orange Ginger Marmalade

While Russell continued to work on tiling
our front entry way. 
He already finished the back entry stoop.

It definitely is a "hands-on" time!  

Have a good day and be happy and healthy!
Thanks Sandee for all that you do!


Monday, April 20, 2020

Happy Happy Tuesday! April 21, 2020!

This is a photo I took before
all this nonsense started. 
Be safe, take care, be healthy.
That's all I can say.  
We will all prevail.
Trust me.
And if you have time please check out 
my 2020 A to Z blog....

Sunday, April 19, 2020

It's Awww Monday! April 20, 2020

Busy Bee Baby Boy quilt

Our next door neighbor is once
again a grandmother. Not wanting
to pass up the opportunity to create,
especially during this anxious time,
I made this little quilt. 
If you click on the photo you can see the details.  
Have a lovely and safe day! Cheers!
Also, if you have time please go here to see
my 2020 A to Z blog A Bird a Day! 

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Thankful Thursday April 16, 2020

April 15, 2020 6:40 pm PDT
Vancouver, Washington
Last night we sat down to our delicious dinner
and I immediately had to get up,
grab my camera and take these two photographs. 
April 15, 2020 6:40pm PDT
The sun was in the process of dropping down
in preparation of the sunset. The angle of the sun
coming through the kitchen window behind me
was perfectly aimed at my glass of wine.
By the way, the dinner was delicious!
Have a great day every day and be well!
Go HERE to connect with Brian
and his Thankful Thursday!

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Wordless Wednesday April 15, 2020

Our sweet cat Lucy is missing all her humans. 
She is just stuck with the two of us.
Poor lonesome Lucy! 

I keep telling her things will get better.
Wishing all of you well and stay safe!
Hugs and more hugs!
Thanks Sandee!


Thursday, April 09, 2020

It's Feline Friday! April 10, 2020

Right now we Americans need to pull
together and NOT pull each other apart.
We need to stop the bickering and politicizing .
We need to work together so that our
country doesn't fall apart.
I hope all the so called "leaders" realize
that this isn't about their political party.
This is serious and they need to work together.
NOT as Democrats or Republicans but as Americans.
And the media needs to do the same.
I am so sick and tired of all the muckraking.
all the hype and name calling etc .
Where is Walter Cronkite when we need him?
Thanks for letting me rant!
Stay calm, be safe and help where you can.


Thankful Thursday! April 9, 2020

I am so thankful for my wonderful husband
and all our wonderful families and friends.
We have nothing without our families and our friends.
They are priceless. Treasure them.
Thanks Brian for Thankful Thursday!

Wednesday, April 08, 2020

Wordless Wednesday April 8, 2020

Kitty's fish pond
Bolinas California 
October 2012


Monday, April 06, 2020

Happy Tuesday! April 7, 2020

We live in a small little neighborhood. 
It may be small but hearts are large here.
Especially now. 
A few days ago I just had to bake, so I made a double 
batch of my Banana Lemon Coconut muffins.

I then emailed and called neighbors and then 
dropped them off wrapped carefully in sandwich bags.
Everyone loved them and one neighbor gave
me these lovely tulips! We are so lucky to have each other! 
Cheers and have a lovely day everyday!
Thanks Sandee!
Please do take a look at my 2020 A to Z Challenge blog:


Sunday, April 05, 2020

Awww Monday! April 6, 2020

The Easter bunny is a wee bit early!
And it looks like the bunny likes eating
our just planted landscaping!
And frankly- I don't care. I'll just find
something else to plant if the rabbit really
eats it all up!

Have a lovely week even if you "have to stay home."
Frankly speaking, we are enjoying ourselves.
Not bored yet, nor lack of stuff to do!
Cheers and thanks to Sandee!
PS If you have time do check out my A to Z blog

Thursday, April 02, 2020

April 3, 2020 It's Feline Friday!

 Now that the weather is improving Lucy loves
to go out side and watch the world go by!
Needless to say...so do we!
Cannot get too close to folks,
but at least we're out enjoying the sunshine!

Here's a better view of what Lucy is looking at.  
Have a lovely day and  stay healthy!
Thanks Sandee for all that you do! 
PS If you have time do check out my A to Z blog


April 2, 2020 Thankful Thursday!

During this very serious time I am so very thankful 
that we live in this wonderful neighborhood, with caring
and giving neighbors. Where ever we have lived we have
 always been blessed with lovely neighbors. 
Right now it is truly important that we take care 
of each other in our homes, our neighborhood 
and  yes....when we go outside walking or when 
we carefully do our shopping. 
Remember to smile, wave and say hello. 
We may be distanced from each other but we 
can connect by acknowledging each other's presence
Take care and be well.

A view from our kitchen window.
Thank goodness we can see nature right
out our windows! 

Another two views from our dining room table!

There is a seasonal creek below our home that
is running full from all the rain we get at 
this time of year. It's fun to watch families walk
along it with their children. 
Many thanks to Brian who created Thankful Thursday!
Have a great day and take care!
Before I forget....if you have time please visit 
my 2020 A to Z Challenge blog. 
It's called A Bird a Day! 
I am posting a different bird each day!