"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." ~George Bernard Shaw

"Look at everything as though you were seeing it either for the first or last time." ~Betty Smith, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn

Thursday, December 20, 2018

We've Moved Back Up North .....December 20, 2018

2018 Photo Project
Photo #290
We got an early start last week when
the movers finished filling up the
moving van Wednesday afternoon.
So we took that Golden opportunity
and put Lucy in our pre-packed car
and drove up to Medford Oregon and stayed
 the night in a "Cat Friendly" motel.  

2018 Photo Project
Photo #291
That meant we had a head start as we drove
up to Vancouver early Thursday morning.
Instead of 6 non-stop hours for Lucy
to be in the car, she only had to endure 4 1/2 hours
until we got to the Cat Chalet where she stayed
for a few days until the house was slightly less
chaotic and not quite so full of paper and boxes.
2018 Photo Project
Photo #292
Lucy is pretty much settled even though
we will be unpacking for at least another week.
Have a great Feline Friday!
Thanks Sandee!


Sunday, December 16, 2018

Awww Monday December 16, 2018

December 15,  2018 
Paddling Christmas Elves and Santas!
The Portland Hawthorne Bridge is
in the background.
Check it out here !
Have a great week!
We are still unpacking!!!

Thursday, December 06, 2018

Feline Friday December 7, 2018

2018 Photo Project
Photo #289
Lucy loves  sleeping by Russell in the evening....
the fire is toasty warm and she's a contented cat.
The painting in the background is leaning
against the wall waiting for the movers to
pack her up along with everything else.
Whew- I'd forgotten how hard moving is!
Happy Feline Friday to you!!!

Wednesday, December 05, 2018

Wordless Wednesday! December 5, 2018

Reitdiephaven, Groningen, Netherlands.
 Photo by Nout Gons.
We've been to the Netherlands a few
times to visit friends. Now that I've
seen this photo I want to go there!
Have a lovely Wordless Wednesday!

Monday, December 03, 2018

Happy Tuesday! December 4, 2018

This photo is priceless! The dogs are so very
concerned about the little pig Jude.
I faithfully follow Kitchen Garden as it is
amazing to learn about farming
and also it is so very entertaining!
You too can follow along.
Here's Monday's post. Enjoy!

Sunday, December 02, 2018

Awwwdorable Video for Awww Monday December 3, 2018

This has to be one of the sweetest
and cutest Christmas Advertisement ever!!!
Have a lovely week!