The high road
The road less traveled
The low road
That's only graveled
Shake a tree
And look at a map
Are we lost
On a deadend trap?
Get the gas can
and admit defeat
We're outta gas
We'd better beat feet......
Listen you battleaxe and listen well
There's not enough mace - this tastes like hell
I wanted a horseman's pick not this pike
You're a hellburner- you did this for spite!
A man catcher you're not- nor a mercygiver
I'd rather eat my cuir bouilli than your chopped liver
Friday night Happy Hour featuring Sassparilla Jug Band!
It all started out pretty quiet....
and then when the music started it got loud and lively!
Thoughtless actions
Create chaos
This photo above of a flood was taken by Eric Alder and is the photo prompt for his Bifocal Univision Monday.