Yes- I know I am supposed to be on H is for ?
But, I am just NOT in the mood to be making Haggis-not yet at least
So- I chose to share Sally's recipe for Stinging Nettles.
Ta dah! Here it is:
(photo below:Sally's Vanishing Point Ranch barn has a lot of blooming roses right now)

On April 8th Russell and I drove down to California
to visit good friends and family-
it's at least an annual trip if not even more often.
While down there we stopped off first in Weed,
then in Sausalito with then a drive over the hill to Bolinas
where we visited first Sally and Gregg Peacock
and our close encounter with Stinging Nettles as a main course for dinner!
I had heard of such meals and boy were they delicious! YUM!
Here are a few photos from that memorable meal....

Below is the recipe Sally used for our delicious dinner.

Below are Sally's hard working hands stirring the sauce into the noodles.
While it is spring-venture forth and find some tender Nettles.
Bon appetit!

(and you can see more photos on my flickr site)