Dopiaza means double and in cooking curries it means double onions. Well, I never met an onion that I didn't like let alone a recipe that asks for double onions! Our good friends from Cody Wyoming were here in town for a Bible Study Fellowship conference. They were able tomake time to see us on their last full day. Unfortunately Dave had too many full days and rested at the hotel while we took Toni to a local Lebanese Restaurant that we love. Hoda's is located in the Belmont area of Portland. http://www.hodas.com/
Meanwhile, once Toni and Dave got home they ordered this cookbook for us The Great Curries of India. They recommended this recipe found on page 106! Thank you Toni and Dave!
So here we go.......................
Two days later our house still has an odor of India in it-whew
so many onions made the house stink-it stunk so much we
opened up the house and lit many sticks of incense...man o man
that is a doozy of a recipe. It took about an hour of prep work
before I could really start making the dish-
But the food was delicious and well
worth the stench and work!
I served it with a big citrus salad of oranges and grapefruit
with dates, pecans and lettuce (no onions! )
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