Good old Edinburgh-we arrived mid-afternoon from Glasgow-Toni dropped us off and we said fond farewells til we meet again on one or another continent!
Yesterday we went to two museums-the Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art that had a fabulous exhibit of Robert Mapplethorpe's work. Who ever curated it did a great job.
Then we went on to the Dean Gallery-just across the street and saw the Van Gogh exhibit. Again-a good show and we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.
Off to lunch and then we strolled down Dundas Street and went in and out of many llitle art galleries. Some better than others. But most of them practise a most uncharming manner of ignoring the customer....their loss....we did come across a few galleries that were actually very friendly-so we were able to have conversations about the art "scene" in Edinburgh.
We did find two small pieces that we will hand carry back. Really lovely contemporary works.
Here a a few shots of our day-
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