Ewwww....gotta clean beind the old fridge before the new one is delivered.....gross gross...WHO LIVES HERE??? Obviously we don't live behind the fridge....who would?
It's unbelievable how much can be crammed
into a fridge.....especially when it's all over
your counters....

Hello new appliance.....like your magnets?

The design element of the handles looks like lips to me, so I might have to put a moustache on above the lips
plus google eye magnets above the moustache....
Yep- even a reading lamp in the freezer...
Now we are at theSubaru dealership

removing our memorized license plates for the new car...
Last photo in front of our faithful wagon...
I'll post the new car tomorrow once we are
really on the road....happy trails to us!
We haven't been on a road trip for a few years and California beckons.....
not to mention all our friends and family beckoning....
so here begins our 2 week adventure.....